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18650 batterys and charger ebay

If it was me I would pay a bit extra for an xtar charger and protected IMR batteries, there is a thread on batteries to show why the extra money is safer.
Yeah... Google Torchy The Battery Boy and have a see what he says about those Ultrafire Batteries

Better to use the ORANGE Senybors (also on Ebay) or AW IMR
Don't trust anything with FIRE in the name Parka, l've heard a few bad things about them
I have a mulitfunctional Trustfire charger, which works fine, but I would'nt leave it unattended, and I wouldn't touch their batteries, to be honest.
Cheers guys, il stay clear of those then, I have just ordered a VH-E2 vv from vapour hut, but was also tempted by the lavatubes at £9.98 too.
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