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2 x vaping king + mint humbug + primal icecream

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Jul 25, 2013
Vaping King - Red Eye - 4mg - almost 10ml (rrp £4.50 + p&p)
Vaping King - Yorkshire Fog - 4mg - almost 10ml (rrp £4.50 + p&p)
Wizmix - Primal Ice cream - 6mg - almost 10ml (rrp £4 + p&p)
Creative Vapes - Buttermint Humbug - 4mg - almost 10ml (rrp £4 + p&p)
Creative Vapes - Popcorn + Vanilla Custard - almost 9ml (rrp £4 + p&p)

(all steeped for a few weeks so ready to go straight away)

£16 delivered or £7 delivered for any two - or make a sensible offer for however many.

Please reply to this thread if you pm so I get alerted. Thanks.
Last edited:
Adding: Accies Ambrosia, 6mg, almost 10ml - £4 delivered or any two for £7 delivered.

As usual for no apparent reason I can't edit the original post to include this in the list.
Actually yeah i will take the lot :) pm me your Paypal matey and i will sort it out.
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