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20700 batteries


May 26, 2018
I have an ijoy avenger which is not registering my 18650s with a sleeve.
I use them in my pico.
I have heard the ijoy avenger can take 20700s but don’t want to buy them just for the sake of testing.
I’m also now hearing of ppl using the 20700s in the pico 21700 If this is the case then I will try..

Anyone used the 20700 in the picos ?
I have an ijoy avenger which is not registering my 18650s with a sleeve.
I use them in my pico.
I have heard the ijoy avenger can take 20700s but don’t want to buy them just for the sake of testing.
I’m also now hearing of ppl using the 20700s in the pico 21700 If this is the case then I will try..

Anyone used the 20700 in the picos ?
Haven't used them in a 21700 pico, but they'll fit and work as they are the same height, possibly some rattle as they're 1mm smaller diameter - but if they take 21700 I'd use them every time (Samsung 30t or 40t) as they are better cells than 20700.
The pico I use the 21700
The problem is the ijoy which won’t take my 21700
And won’t recognise my 18650s lol


I have a feeling the blue sleeve thingy is faulty but have no way of checking, the black adaptor is definitely working with the pico
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