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3 mech clones


Jun 12, 2015
Here i have 3 mechanical tube mods for sale all are clones payemt ia Paypal G&S i will post 2nd class .

RRP,s Fasttech 20180227_142231[1].jpg 20180227_142303[1].jpg 20180227_142325[1].jpg mechs.jpg
1. Silver av m2 clone i hae the original box for this and a spare 510 pin excellent condition RRP $17 or about £13
2. Turtle ship brass mech which is a 510 mech and works excellently with a copper Tobh and copper double barrel drip tip rda RRP $17 mech and $6 RDA drip tip $2 0r about £17
3. AV wingman mech kit RRP $17 mech Dripper $9 Drip tip £2-3 or a total of about £20
Grand Total £50ish
4. I said 3 mechs but will throw in a fourth which is the patina'd one in the pic. it's a 4nine clone

Asking for £25 for the lot aint worth splitting as postage costs will be a pain I will box everything in plain boxes unless i have the originals which i know the AV's have boxes for.
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