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5mg strength - any good manufacturers?


Nov 10, 2014
Hi All,

I have been tapering off the nicotine gradually. I went from 20mg to 10mg in about 5 weeks and have been using 10mg for a similar period.

I'd like to go down to 5mg, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of choice. I have really enjoyed the Nasty salts range. Whilst I have tried others, Hippie Trail, Slow Blow and Red blood have been my only repeat purchases.

I have considered trying to get some shortfills and just popping in a 10ml bottle of 20mg in the same flavour (making 3mg) but the majority of shortfills are 80/20 which won't fly with my pod system. Nasty don't even make a 0mg 10ml so I can't mix up two bottles!

I don't really want to get into mixing my own up, so I was hoping of any others have had the same issue and got around it?

A lot of the domestic type stuff I have tried has been quite harsh on my throut and made me cough a lot so I would like some good quality stuff if possible.

Thanks in advance!
Thanks Mr Ripple, I really wanted to do that with the nasty stuff but they don't do 0mg nic!
I'll have a look around and see what catches my eye.
Any recommendations on quality salts?
Thanks Mr Ripple, I really wanted to do that with the nasty stuff but they don't do 0mg nic!
I'll have a look around and see what catches my eye.
Any recommendations on quality salts?
@DeeDee aka (Pod Queen) is the salt Guru on here and hopefully tagging she'll be along shortly.
Didn't know they didn't do 0mg btw.

Some companies do 5 or 6mg ready mixed salts but not sure which, ive seen them about though.

I use 6mg now and i buy 20ml shortfills in a 30ml bottle and add a 10 nic salt shot

Im using LegioX and Manabush atm which are really good and not too sweet.

This is a recent change for me, i used to use just 10ml 10mg ready made. I don't mix up anything other than adding a 10 shit into a 20ml shortfill. Sorry i can't really advise further.
Nasty only do 70/30 shortfills which (to my very limited knowledge) isn't pod-friendly. In fact, it's hard to get 50/50 shortfills from anyone!
@DeeDee aka (Pod Queen) to my rescue again!
What PG/VG ratios are you buying in the 20ml shortfills? I assume that's pod use?
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