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.7 nautilus coils.


Jan 17, 2019
Hi,I started using my old aspire GT tank again and bought the .7 coils to use in it,I always used them before as they give out a good flavour and still do.However they only seem to last around 12ml of juice before it's time to replace them.I vape 60vg dessert flavour juice and only puff away on 14w,now are the 1.0 coils any better for longetivity?I've used the .7 mesh coil before but seem to remember they didn't last long either.I want to continue using the tank for the good flavour but can't really justify buying loads of coils,any help much appreciated, thanks.
Hi,I started using my old aspire GT tank again and bought the .7 coils to use in it,I always used them before as they give out a good flavour and still do.However they only seem to last around 12ml of juice before it's time to replace them.I vape 60vg dessert flavour juice and only puff away on 14w,now are the 1.0 coils any better for longetivity?I've used the .7 mesh coil before but seem to remember they didn't last long either.I want to continue using the tank for the good flavour but can't really justify buying loads of coils,any help much appreciated, thanks.
I use the 0.7ohm mesh coils in a Nautilus GT mini, usually around the 20w mark. 14w seems a little low, and especially for desert flavours. Try the 1ohm or 1.6 for lower wattages. My coils will usually last a couple of weeks depending on the juice. Fruit juices, and I can get three weeks out of them.
Thanks for that,I vape at 14w thinking that it might help the coil life, but still get a decent flavour.I will give the next coil more power to see if there's any difference.Maybe next time I will try the .7mesh or the 1.0,trial and error,lol.
The 1.0 coils might offer slightly better longevity, especially with dessert flavors, which tend to gunk up coils quickly. However, lower wattage (around 10-12W) could extend coil life. Prime coils properly and consider lighter flavors or regular tank cleanings to improve longevity without compromising flavor.
Think I will give the 1.0 coils a try,the last .7 barely lasted 6ml!That's with priming and starting off on low wattage.There must be a coil out there somewhere that will withstand dessert flavours.
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