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A bit thankyou...


Jan 9, 2015
To everyone who has given me advice on coil building over time!!

I now fully understand everything, down to wicking (which I struggled with massively)

Currently vaping some cosmic fog- church in the subtank at 18 watts and it's heaven!! Now I get the hype about rebuildables and I wish I'd have tried it sooner!!

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Well Done That Man. It's all great isn't it.;)
Genuinly it is, I always find in life that you won't fully know how to do something untill you can understand the mechanics of it all, hence why I ask so many questions!!

But the fact that I can tell you the difference between the wick carrying on and giving me a dry hit and just a cotton taste to the liquid means I can sort the issues out!!

Very content now with my vaping arsenal and the flavours of this subtank are incredible!!

Trouble is now I have to go back to juices that I felt were muted but I liked the flavours of and re test them because of anythings going to bring out the flavours its a rebuildable!!

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And I also have to say thankyou to the guy who put the huge guide to the subtank up, I haven't had one leak since I've been drying it properly after cleaning it ;)

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