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Review A newbies review of... Mrs Lords "Spotted dick"


May 28, 2014
Disclaimer: I've only been vaping Five minutes, so this is just the thoughts of a newbie. Please look to experienced reviewers if you want something from someone who knows what they're talking about.

Right. I'm a very lucky bunny at the moment.
I have a load of really good juices indoors that I thoroughly enjoy vaping, and a decent stock so didn't intend to buy any more for some time.
But, then saw that Mrs Lord had a free shipping offer on in June which was enough for my iron-like resolve to crumble, and a bottle was duly ordered.

First thing.
There's no 10ml option offered on the website, so you have to commit a little more if you want to try this. Although, there are nicotine options from 6-24mg.
Secondly, it comes in a classy looking glass bottle, and you get a dropper with it.
Perfect for filling your drippers, and, I had no problem filling an iClear or aerotank. Just tip it to the side a little, add it carefully and it works really nicely.
But, if you have a device that you fill through a small hole, you'll need to grab yourself a syringe or something.

Really nicely packaged, plenty of bubble wrap and sealed in a jiffy bag.
Fast, too. I ordered in the afternoon and it arrived the next day. Good stuff :)

I've always been a bit intrigued by this juice, it seems a slightly odd choice to offer. But, it seems well liked so I really wanted to give it a go.

It's good, really good actually. I found that like all the complex juices, it doesn't like to get too hot otherwise you lose the subtle flavours. It works perfectly well in the iClear, aerotank and in a 1,1ohm Kayfun although I found I had to draw a lot of air through it to keep it cool in the Kayfun.
It does taste like spotted dick, no doubt about it! it's really quite strange but it's an accurate copy imo.
Doesn't sound like an all day vape though, does it? you wouldn't exactly sit down to a bowl full for breakfast, after all.
Well I have been!
Not a bowlful, but I've been vaping it dawn to dusk for three days now, and really enjoying it.
It's a deserty, puddingy type flavour, but no point me trying to decribe it too much because it tastes like what it is, spotted dick.
It's got a subtle sweetness, not too much, but just about perfect. I found that by thumping the power up a little, you can being out a lot more of the sweetness, that sparkly sort of sweetness that hits the back of your mouth but I personally don't like it like that, so kept it toned down.
There's also a hint of warming spice. Not much, just a suggestion of it, but it's enough to really bring the flavour out.

So, in summary, it's good.
Probably not worth trying it if you don't like spotted dick though. I know its a stupidly obvious thing to say... but I do vape things that I wouldn't normally go for, because it is different. But this is a very accurate juice, so probably worth bearing in mind.

I'm surprised it's such a good all dayer, but it really is for me. It just works.
So, if you want to try something a little different, and you like pudding type vapes, I can recommend giving this one a try.
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U must be drinking the stuff vaped :) u r worse than me . Trying to stop purchasing for a few weeks but very hard
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