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A nice tasting accident


Mar 5, 2014
I had to top up the Russian this morning as it didn't have enough in the tank to last the day.
Being a bit bleary eyed, I somehow put a generous helping of Mrs Lord's 'Druide' in there, not realising the tank was half full of Gin's Addiction.
Wow, what a vape! It doesn't produce as much cloud as either juice on their own, but the flavour is fantastic - all the Absinthe-y loveliness of the Druide with a nice hit of the Gin's bitterness on inhaling, and spicy taste with a hint of menthol on the exhale.

Next time it'll be deliberate mixing, not a mistake. Nomnomnom! :)
Nothing beats a nice surprise Glad it turned out good otherwise a tank of juice could of been :oops:
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