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a week on the vape


Feb 8, 2014
hi im new, been on the vape a week and not missing the killers that much so all is good. really pissed off with the postie this morning. was expecting some juice through the letter box but no postie grrrr
Congrats on your first week of vaping paul-andrew .

As you get more into vaping, postman stalking/letterbox camping are something that will become common occurrences for you .. as may getting struck down by the 1 known disease that vaping can cause ... shinyitis.

Don't worry though, shinyitis is just getting the bug for buying new and wonderful 'shiny' vaping gear. ;)

Well done on your first week.. keep at it and the benefits will just increase as time goes by.
welcome to the planet fella - yeah posties take the piss sometimes, you've gotta start stalking him like I do
thanks for the welcome guys. i would normally curse when i hear the letter box rattle ( grrr more bills ) but today i was looking forward too it. lol i must be hooked.
Welcome to the Gang mate!!! You'll get used to the Royal fail thing, You've got to leave them Milk and Biscuits like Santa!!! your service improves Drastically then!!!:thumbup:
Welcome to potv.I too is peeved off with postie waiting for some juice and syringes.
hi im new, been on the vape a week and not missing the killers that much so all is good. really pissed off with the postie this morning. was expecting some juice through the letter box but no postie grrrr
We feel your pain mate! I've watched my packages zig-zag across my region for days! I swear they drove past my house at times on the way to another sorting hub... :banghead:
Anyway... Welcome to the Planet! Glad to hear vaping is working out for ya!
vApe On!
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