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Adding flavourings to pre mixed juice


Feb 11, 2013
I tend to buy Hangsen RY4 in 100ml bottles and then buy other premium custard types in 30ml sizes which I mix together to keep costs down.

I was wondering if I could buy say Capella Vanilla Custard and add it directly to the Hangsen to get a better flavour? I guess it would be a bit by bit process to get the strength correct but roughly how much flavouring would I need to start with to add to a 100ml bottle?
Firstly I would find out the flavour percentage in your pre mixed. If this is flavoured at say 20% and you like your custard as a undertone then this would want to be between 7-10 %. planet of the vapes have the best ejuice calculator on the Internet download this its self explanatory and accomodates up to 5 different flavour percentages. Simple fill it out to the spec of your pre made and when you get to the flavouring section fill out your custard at your requirement and press enter the calculator does the hard work :) a couple of years back when I started I was filling cartos with pre made coffee and then dripping concentrate straight in the carto in to the pre made little shake, vape, repeat untill it was just right. These are just experiences and opinions of mine others would say diffrent hope its some how useful mate :)

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It's just standard HS RY4 so not too sure. I did try to work it out with the calculator but as it's based on unmixed liquid I wasn't sure how to go about it. A quick look on the internet and Hangsen own RY4 concentrate is recommended to use between 5-7% so I guess that is around what they use for their premixed. I guess if I go with 6% it's a start.
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