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Admiring without Acquiring, would like some advice!

Gokus Vehicle

New Member
Jan 15, 2014
I've been admiring mechanical mods for the past 6 months, but thought it was a bit too expensive for my taste. I live in the US, but instantly fell in love with this forum (from the others that I've lurked on), and finally decided to make an account! I hope to become a part of the (yours as well) the community!

A lot of mods and RBAs seem to be really impressive, but I really just don't know what I'm looking for. I'd like certain things to be dumbed down for me, such as; what is it really that I should be looking at as far as specs are concerned, when I'm looking at these mods? Am I looking at the material it is made of? What is the purest definition of a "hard hitter"? Doesn't the RBA do most of the work?

As far as rebuilding, I've been able to find quite a few sources about what materials to use, and how to get them at a certain ohms, but I'm curious as to approach them safely. I have yet to find a good tutorial on how to spot a good enough (in depth) look into batteries, when using these. I'd love to learn AS MUCH AS I CAN, about this hobby, so throw charts at me, criticize me, do what you will! So long as I'm learning something, I'll take it all in!

Due to my lack of knowledge, and just from reading "great reviews" about these devices, this is what I plan to acquire in the very near future.

Terra Mod by Paradigm
Magma RDA by Paradigm

I'd like to ask one thing about the Magma RDA however. Why does this RDA only have 2 posts in comparison to other RDA's that have 3? Does this not allow me to have a dual coil set up?

And what are your thoughts on purchasing "clones" from such sites as fasttech(.com)?

I TRULY appreciate anyone that's willing to help me out here. I only have experience with standard ego batteries, and VV/VW mods (and I don't even know how to get in-depth with VV/VW!) Help me out guys :(
Personally, buy whatever is going to work for you. Regardless of logo, price tag ect. Quality can come in big price tags (Original Nemesis) or small price tags (HCIGAR cloned Nemesis)

I have several clones in my possession and have had several originals too...Like Siam Mods Cobra... the cloned "Cobra" does the same thing but lacks the looks or quality of the original, whereas the Cloned Nem, is right on Par with the original. Same goes for the cloned Kayfun.

RDA's with 2 posts are typically for single coils where 3 posts or more, are for dual coils.

If you like to read and learn, our Wiki http://wiki.planetofthevapes.co.uk/ is probably the most vaping extensive Wiki on the internet. Complete with proper usage guides, photos and descriptions of various vaping bits, lots and LOTS of information.


:welcome1: to the planet :)
Holes in the magma posts are spacious enough to accommodate dual coils, most dual coil three-posters double up on the center post as is, I guess it would be more difficult to quad coil a magma, but whilst I respect the fact people do quad coil, I have not the patience, as a good single or dual coil can give you plenty anyway.
I guess the bottom-fed nature of the magma airflow has contributed to its design variations.
Clones from fastec are great,but your in for a long wait,but for the prices they are, it can be worth it.welcome to the site btw.
Thanks for everyone's replies! I've been reading the wiki, and will now base my questions from there from now on!
Gokus Vehicle

if you live in the US, May I suggest something?
A pinoy mechanical mod...

A) Much, MUCH cheaper than a US mod for some reason
B) Pinoy mechanical mods are usually designed for cloud chasers, which means the materials used will be ones that give very small amounts of voltage drop (Brass, Aluminium, and Copper usually)
C) They're sexy as hell.

RDA Wise, I'm not much help... Even though I use them, I only use cheap ones due to my budget being next to nothing :(
@Gokus Vehicle

A pinoy mechanical mod...

Thanks for the heads up! Lol, to be honest - I'm filipino myself, so I'm a bit biased by default. From what I've read, Paradigm mods hail from the Philippines, so I think I've got that going for me! lol.

I'm definitely not going to let any of that blind my future experiences with other devices, however. I plan on getting something from Greece next!

Speaking of Philippine mods, what are your (anyone's) thoughts on Bakero wire?
Thanks for the heads up! Lol, to be honest - I'm filipino myself, so I'm a bit biased by default. From what I've read, Paradigm mods hail from the Philippines, so I think I've got that going for me! lol.

I'm definitely not going to let any of that blind my future experiences with other devices, however. I plan on getting something from Greece next!

Speaking of Philippine mods, what are your (anyone's) thoughts on Bakero wire?

Bakero? I've heard about it, but never been able to find it for a half decent price in the uk.
Normal ribbon kanthal is great though! Once you learn the way it behaves... :P

I'm thinking about getting a pinnoy mod soon, just wish the postage wasn't so much! :'(
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