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Advice please on my concept of a TRON mod


Nov 15, 2014
Thanks for having a look; I have the concept of a box mod that looks like it came off the set for the remake of the Tron movie, all lit up.

I've been looking over potential boxes and miniature LED strip lights.

The Hammond boxes (possibly the trapezoid) will probably be the way forward although I would prefer to use something like this if I can find the right size:

Aluminum Project Box Aluminum Enclosure Case Electronic shielding-1168 Al | eBay

Some of the fire switches have backlights / surround lights so deffo one of those and preferably a matching display unit. I'm thinking blue. I would like to fit a board with some clout, ideally 100w or maybe a 50w. If you can save me any research time on this and just name a decent contender or 2 I'd be a happy man.

I have an idea to how to create sealed translucent light diffuser channels/shapes through the metal.

I have some, but limited, experience of soldering but I'm confident I can make a nice job overall.

My electronics is sketchy though. I've seen a couple tutorials on basic box modding and I'm thinking no great shakes. What I want to add to mine though, to control the LED strip inside, is.....what? What kind of Doofa? A second PCB? What's got to be on that PCB if so?

I'd ideally like the power to the LED's to continue a couple seconds after releasing the fire button. If there's a a way to get them to pulsate somehow I might incorporate that also.

There's loads of suppliers for LED flexible strips on t'internet, this one looks favorable:

LED Ribbon Flex and LED Strip Lighting | Fibre Optic FX

...I'm prob lookiing at the wrong type of strip though am I?

What I really wanted was to have just UV light coming out of the box but I think for the prototype I will stick with pale blue.

If you can help me select the right hardware for this idea, and give me a few kicks in the right direction, I'd be happy to throw a few shots up as the work progresses.

only thing i would ask is what would be the power source for the leds ( the internal battery i assume ) or would you fit maybe a smaller secondary battery ( like a flat watch battery to run the leds. also would there be an option to switch them off as you wouldnt want them running all the time. or would they be wired into the power button so only light up when you take a vape?
i know ive asked what you have asked in a round about way and possibly even self answered part of the above.
you might want to look on stealthvape.co.uk as they have lots of parts for box mods
only thing i would ask is what would be the power source for the leds ( the internal battery i assume ) or would you fit maybe a smaller secondary battery ( like a flat watch battery to run the leds. also would there be an option to switch them off as you wouldnt want them running all the time. or would they be wired into the power button so only light up when you take a vape?
i know ive asked what you have asked in a round about way and possibly even self answered part of the above.
you might want to look on stealthvape.co.uk as they have lots of parts for box mods

Thanks. I'm open to suggestiions on the power source for the LEDs. If a secondary supply is required then I would do that although I want to power the LEDs via the fire button one way or another.
i know its possible beacuse ive seen it done on a few box mods. one that was made using a 3d printer had etching / cutouts in the side in some tron style lines and an internal LED that lit up blueish white when fired and anotehr perspex style box mod that had blue led strips around the edges again that would light up when the fire button was pressed so im guessin its a simple contact switch on the fire button
Thanks for having a look; I have the concept of a box mod that looks like it came off the set for the remake of the Tron movie, all lit up.

I've been looking over potential boxes and miniature LED strip lights.

The Hammond boxes (possibly the trapezoid) will probably be the way forward although I would prefer to use something like this if I can find the right size:

Aluminum Project Box Aluminum Enclosure Case Electronic shielding-1168 Al | eBay

Some of the fire switches have backlights / surround lights so deffo one of those and preferably a matching display unit. I'm thinking blue. I would like to fit a board with some clout, ideally 100w or maybe a 50w. If you can save me any research time on this and just name a decent contender or 2 I'd be a happy man.

I have an idea to how to create sealed translucent light diffuser channels/shapes through the metal.

I have some, but limited, experience of soldering but I'm confident I can make a nice job overall.

My electronics is sketchy though. I've seen a couple tutorials on basic box modding and I'm thinking no great shakes. What I want to add to mine though, to control the LED strip inside, is.....what? What kind of Doofa? A second PCB? What's got to be on that PCB if so?

I'd ideally like the power to the LED's to continue a couple seconds after releasing the fire button. If there's a a way to get them to pulsate somehow I might incorporate that also.

There's loads of suppliers for LED flexible strips on t'internet, this one looks favorable:

LED Ribbon Flex and LED Strip Lighting | Fibre Optic FX

...I'm prob lookiing at the wrong type of strip though am I?

What I really wanted was to have just UV light coming out of the box but I think for the prototype I will stick with pale blue.

If you can help me select the right hardware for this idea, and give me a few kicks in the right direction, I'd be happy to throw a few shots up as the work progresses.


I've been procrastinating like hell on the building of my Illuminated box mod, I'm planning to use EL wire and / or EL Sheet, the problem is you need to have a driver unit, a decent one for a decent amount of brightly lit wire is a bit bulky but if you were to use a couple of small pieces then there are certainly drivers available that run on a coin cell and are not much bigger than the size of a DNA board...

Have a look here, they also have some pre made Tron shapes...http://elwirecraft.co.uk/products/
I've been procrastinating like hell on the building of my Illuminated box mod, I'm planning to use EL wire and / or EL Sheet, the problem is you need to have a driver unit, a decent one for a decent amount of brightly lit wire is a bit bulky but if you were to use a couple of small pieces then there are certainly drivers available that run on a coin cell and are not much bigger than the size of a DNA board...

Have a look here, they also have some pre made Tron shapes...http://elwirecraft.co.uk/products/

Great website! thanks for this. Got some procrastinating to do myself with that lot to chose from!

Now to try and pull something out of the bag that looks more Tron from the movies than Trigger from Fools and Horses.
its sounding like a seriously wild looking mod have a look at using the edge of acrylic sheets its used quite a bit in signs for shops and bars they glow nicely and acrylic is quite easy to polish
Not sure if this is any help, but recently saw a picture of a computer fan being used as a ejuice stirer (youtube ).
I know the fan is 12 volts, but I imagine the led's run off lower than 12volts.
its had flashing ,pulsing , strobe and color changing capability .
Hope this helps

I've been procrastinating like hell on the building of my Illuminated box mod, I'm planning to use EL wire and / or EL Sheet, the problem is you need to have a driver unit, a decent one for a decent amount of brightly lit wire is a bit bulky but if you were to use a couple of small pieces then there are certainly drivers available that run on a coin cell and are not much bigger than the size of a DNA board...

Have a look here, they also have some pre made Tron shapes...http://elwirecraft.co.uk/products/

I was originally thinking of using translucent, shaped, windows infilled with something like cold cast clear acrylic resin or 1 or 2 other suitable materials to form the illuminated shapes and then back lighting them with LED but this EL wire has opened up completely different avenue of thought. It's pretty damned cost effective gear too I was happy to note.

Really happy about this tip TubbyEngineer thanks again.

So assuming that my box mod is big enough to house a suitable size driver to run the EL wire, and given that the driver converts DC into AC, and also given that the batteries' voltage will deplete and lastly that a VV board will adjust it's output depending on the usual factors, I assume there will need to be another separate PCB, of some configuration, to maintain a constant DC input to the EL wire driver? Would I have to acquire the components and solder the PCB myself or is there an off the shelf yoke for this? Or some other solution entirely?

I was originally thinking of using translucent, shaped, windows infilled with something like cold cast clear acrylic resin or 1 or 2 other suitable materials to form the illuminated shapes and then back lighting them with LED but this EL wire has opened up completely different avenue of thought. It's pretty damned cost effective gear too I was happy to note.

Really happy about this tip TubbyEngineer thanks again.

So assuming that my box mod is big enough to house a suitable size driver to run the EL wire, and given that the driver converts DC into AC, and also given that the batteries' voltage will deplete and lastly that a VV board will adjust it's output depending on the usual factors, I assume there will need to be another separate PCB, of some configuration, to maintain a constant DC input to the EL wire driver? Would I have to acquire the components and solder the PCB myself or is there an off the shelf yoke for this? Or some other solution entirely?


It depends on how you want it to run and how much EL you use, if you anly use a little one of the coin cell type drivers could be shoehorned into a box and that would be it, if you want more EL then you'd need a bigger driver, I've already tested the drivers and the lower voltage versions will run off a 14500 with no problems, so you could also run one directly from the Mod battery or using a larger box fit a second battery. As for how it switches on and off then you either need to use a double pole switch or find a way to trigger from the fire button led A'la vaporshark...
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