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Aga t2


Aug 10, 2013
Right guys only been vaping for a couple of months and all was going well with my ego battery and kanger evod tank until the shinyitus took hold. Ive not got myself a vamo v2 and a AGA T2 atty now this is my first go with a rebuildable atty. Now after a bit of research i have made out that i can either use a silica wick, mesh wick or a wire wick. Which would be the best to use / start out with and has anyone got a link to a "how to" on building these up.

Sorry if this has been covered before but couldn't find anything.

Todd E Cig reviews on Youtube has got tutorials on his Youtube channel. There are others type Aga- T2 in the search box. There are loads of helpful tips on Youtube on anything vaping.
You will probably find you want/need to drill out the hole to make it a bit larger, go in incremental steps so that you don't drill it too large and kill any flavour.

I gave up running mine with coils on SS or mesh wicks even after doing the spring/washer mod. I now use both with either a U silica wick and single coil or a combination of that with cotton padding to prevent the coil from drying out the wick quickly and leading to dry hits.

I tend to use .2 or .25 A1 Kanthal as stock in everything I run so that I can vary the resistance between 1ohm and 1.8ohm quickly and easily.

The best thing about this genny is the fun you will have playing with it changing the set-up until you stumble across one which really works for you. Sure, watch the videos, read the replies but what works for others might not suit your juice, your taste or any other variable. There is no one solution :)
Some good info there for me to think about. You wouldn't happen to have a picture of your all set up.
These are the only two I have on the hd from my first microcoil/cotton, which worked with Snake Oil and the Absinthes from whatever Celtic Vapethingies call themselves now.

Im currently running protanks and viva nova on my evic but im toying with the idea of the aga t2 too.
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