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The Captain

Sep 19, 2017
Ahoy all. Been vaping since 2012 and lurking pretty much since then too! Used to go to another forum but drifted away from it and because of it I haven't really moved on with my vaping.

I'm still a huge fan of the V1 and V2 kayfun so haven't tried any new tanks for donkeys. RDA wise, I have Origin V2 and a Royal Hunter mini plus a second Origin converted to bottom feed for squonking. Mod wise got loads of mechs gathering dust and a couple of variables the best being the eleaf 200 w TC although never used it in TC mode.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing what's new and giving TC a try,!

Oh, forgot yo mention, Dessert juices are my fav especially custards! Currently dripping Twelve Monkeys Congo Cream.

Off for look around


The Captain
5 years a-vaping and hopefully no smoking.
Good to have you with us, best vape forum you could have joined :D
Hi @The Captain and welcome to the forum.

FYI... if you haven't seen the banner at the top of the every page... we are currently doing a charity raffle.... details on how to enter, the cause and the prizes on offer are available through the links on the banner itself.

Last I checked there was 64 prizes.... all of which I believe have at least one mod and one atty.... generously donated by membersandvendors.... check it out if you get a chance.

Closes on the 29th of September at 10pm with the draw taking place on the 30th. Good luck if you decide to enter buddy.
Hello @The Captain , Nice to meet you Mate !!!
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