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Alarm Bells over E-Cigarettes

When are all these idiots in high places going to realise that e-cigs ARE NOT tobacco products?
Nicotine is more readily extracted from tobacco plants, true, but it is also contained in other stuff as well.
i better stop now before i really do have a rant!
E-cigarettes are not the thing they should be worrying about "skyrocketing" among the school kids, me and Mrs 9r have just got in from taking the dog for a walk and during our 1.5 mile treck we passed 4 small groups of yoof's with that all too recognisable waft of the "green stuff" filling the air! :30:
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I wonder if there is a corresponding dip in normal cigarette use by the same group.
Great quote from Siegel though

Rather than embracing these products as a potential way to get thousands of smokers to quit smoking, antismoking groups have attacked these products and discouraged smokers from quitting by using them. This is so contrary to the principles of public health that it caught my attention—and I continue to be puzzled by this inane public-health response.

The only hypothesis I have come up with is that the ideology in the antismoking movement is so strong that the very thought of condoning a behavior that looks like cigarette smoking is just something that these groups are not capable of doing—even though it is likely saving the lives of thousands of ex-smokers.
I really don't get the blind hate and dismissal of E-Cigs. One excuse after another even though it's been proven by ex-smokers again and again that E-Cigs are truly aid quit smoking.

If they aren't smokers/ex-smokers they should all shut the f∂ck up. If they are smokers/ex-smokers they should give people a chance. Educate the teens and prohibit them being sold to the teens, instead of punishing many who would greatly benefit from these devices.
Though obviously it's preferable to avoid any addiction, what's overlooked is that even a lifelong addiction to nicotine is not going to pose any significant risk as long as the nicotine is not derived from smoke.

I don't believe that children who start vaping weren't already smokers or wouldn't become smokers without e-cigs. The rebellion is what attracts kids to banned substances or activities. As long as it's banned, there will be kids wanting to do it. A child who uses e-cigs is almost certainly one who would otherwise use tobacco

How many of the critics using the "think of the kids" argument regularly take their kids to McDonalds? Encouraging a lifelong habit of eating fast food is far more likely to shorten their lives - and that's with parental approval.
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