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all orders shipped


Jul 8, 2013
well all orders are now shipped and everything back to normall kinda im out of ag / vg for a couple of months as it degrades alot quicker than pg so im waiting untill i get a fair bit of interest befor i order a barrel . also from now on untill i run out each nic order will receive a free random capella flavor or 2 :-) cheers . jim
Hi Silentoz

Do you do plain PG as well? can't see any on the site

and flavorings?

run out?
gday m8 i have got 0 mic pg but i dont put it up on the site because to be honest the pice of postage is more than i sell the actual o nic pg so i dont put on there as i feel im ripping pple off min popstage charge is 5. 89
gday m8 i have got 0 mic pg but i dont put it up on the site because to be honest the pice of postage is more than i sell the actual o nic pg so i dont put on there as i feel im ripping pple off min popstage charge is 5. 89

Yeh but if peeps order it with the nic then it would work out fine no?

maybe add some combi products - eg 250ml nic + 250ml PG ?

I just bought some nic off you and it's a pain having to go elsewhere to get the PG (have to p&p again there) + you could make a bit o dosh on it!
wouldent make much because the 0 nic pg i buy is highest grade u can get and quite expensive most pple prefer to buy lower grafe and get ltes for wat i would have to charge for 250 ml butt ill have a think about it
wouldent make much because the 0 nic pg i buy is highest grade u can get and quite expensive most pple prefer to buy lower grafe and get ltes for wat i would have to charge for 250 ml butt ill have a think about it

and here's me thinking all PG was equal
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