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alternatives to paypal to pay


Mod Maker
Jun 12, 2016
I see a couple of posts over the PayPal, blame for this on visa or master card or the french, big brother, that shifty guy you saw the other day hanging around the co-op the government Biden trump the list is huge

but in reality vaping is 'high risk' in many countries vaping is classed "high risk" aka like smoking. cbd. Booze, guns, pharmaceuticals, porn etc etc

I'm doing this post to people, to write down alternatives to PayPal to use

the main ones I will list I have seen and spoken to with some costs


old school based in Leeds

setup cost £150 average plus 2% to 3% cost plus 20p per transaction

no monthly cost


London headquarters

same as Nochex in fees but monthly cost is £20 setup fees vary most is just monthly


not sure on this as seems to be a no e-cig policy I could be wrong


aka point of sale (card machine)

global pay etc

fees vary check the small print with your bank if you're a B & M Shop, but world pay is an alternative

I'm with Nochex but the golden rule and I mean THE GOLDEN RULE is to be honest if you have a website then use AVS (age verification service) display TPD info be law-abiding don't try and con them or try and use a personal account but the advice is pick up the phone and call the companies in question I spent a day and followed their recommendations to the letter then I was passed by the underwriters sorted in 24hrs

the best advice is I can give is don't panic its PayPal's loss imagine PayPal is your a company in 12 months 2 years time when even more people start using e-cigs when the UK is smoke-free by 2030 are you going back to use PayPal when they realise that the loss of this

The global e-cigarettes (vaping) market was valued at about $14.05 billion in 2018 and is expected to grow to $29.39 billion at a CAGR of more than 20% through 2022. Growing awareness about the alternatives to tobacco smoking is driving the market for e-cigarettes.

30 billion dollars

ok, 30 billion doesn't sound much does it? its only 30 billion if you spent £1 for every minute of every day a million pounds would be gone in 16 months however a billion would take.....32 years

so PayPal's gone its the end of PayPal so what we survived the TPD we can survive this.

if you have others then list them below, please
World pay is 0.75% on Visa cards - less than no check and PayPal.

is also worth bearing in mind peoples systems - nochex for instance is not supported on shopify, which a great deal of internet shops use.
I’ve done an awful lot of research on this the last couple of weeks.

interstingly worldpay started in nottingham.

if you want to accept MasterCard or visa for overseas sales - MasterCard and visa will charge you 500 dollars each
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World pay is 0.75% on Visa cards - less than no check and PayPal.

is also worth bearing in mind peoples systems - nochex for instance is not supported on shopify, which a great deal of internet shops use.
I’ve done an awful lot of research on this the last couple of weeks.

interstingly worldpay started in nottingham.

if you want to accept MasterCard or visa for overseas sales - MasterCard and visa will charge you 500 dollars each

thank you ZT

for my website shop which isn't open, still, due to this paypal thing, plus I've got not much to sell I would use Worldpay the system is there with them, the problem is my site has not got that option on the cart most Wix, Squarespace doesn't go for that option but there is a workaround

but for invoicing I chose Nochex because the model is the same as PayPal and I'm a maker so the monthly payment is a chore

what the person needs to do if they have a business is look at the options and speak to them get passed and underwritten but from what I've seen because lots of people are switching, what some are doing are not telling the companies what they sell or not using AVS etc

when I spoke to world pay the sales rep said the EU and the UK is fine shipping beyond that is a No-No, the USA is pretty well out in these cases it would have to be Bacs payments i think in reality we knew this was coming really with the USA its a pity but as more people switch I expect a U-turn from PayPal.
You may be right on a u-turn when they see exactly how much revenue they are loosing

however everyone I know in the business myself included will never ever touch them again.

so it’s a bit of a foot shot thing for them I think
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Just a quick note about NoChex:

We was 90% approved for NoChex, paid their £100 set up fee which I manged to get down from £150 and then was waiting on the banks final decision before getting a call today today to say that we would also now be required to pay a $500 annual fee to MasterCard to take payments for vaping items and also that from next year VISA will also be bringing in this charge, so I did not fancy having to lay out the best part of £800 a year just to line their pockets. So I'd check with whatever merchant your going with if they will require those extra fees. Nochex even tried to withhold the £100 setup fee from me when I said I didn't want to continue, but they have since refunded it after I made a complaint.
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