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Am I going to knacker my coils?


Oct 24, 2018
i Hope this isn’t a stupid question......

I’m using the Jac Series 22 with the 1 ohm coil. Been buying 70/30 pg/vg and 50/50 liquids and all is good. But for the past couple of days I’ve been totally in love with the Elements Nic Salts which, I believe, are 65/35 vg/pg. The only info I can seem to find online is that with the 1 ohm I should been keeping around the 50%, and should go to sub ohm for anything higher???

I’m confused and a bit lost to be honest. The Nic Salts smoke beautifully with my set up but I’m worried I’m doing something wrong?

Sorry if this is daft
Nah you're ok, just thicker (VG heavier) liquids will likely knacker your coil sooner (you probably know when that happens already). Try not not to chain vape too much and you'll probably be fine(you'll know when the coil is done, it'll taste sh** in a non-empty and primed tank).

I vape 70, 80+ VG liquids all day in my Siren 2. I can still get a good week and a half out of my non-ideal setup(even then it's really just the wick that needs a refresh).
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Yep you're fine with those coils. I believe they can take up to 80vg liquids. You might find the elements juice burns them out quicker though as it's pretty full of sweetners so if your coil goes quicker than usual it'll be that and not the VG content.
Elements = a mass coil murder frenzy.
Yep you're fine with those coils. I believe they can take up to 80vg liquids. You might find the elements juice burns them out quicker though as it's pretty full of sweetners so if your coil goes quicker than usual it'll be that and not the VG content.

Oh...bugger about the elements. Guess I’ll look for others then.

Thanks for the info folks. Makes me feel better!!
Any other coil and I would say coil killer juice but have are different and have handled everything I could throw at them. 80vg chain vapes so hard and no dry hits and coils lasted weeks. 70vg and lower they will last month's or the trial ones I had did.
Oh...bugger about the elements. Guess I’ll look for others then.

Thanks for the info folks. Makes me feel better!!

Give the Elements a try, see how long they last first. I was getting a week out of an aspire nautilus coil that was lasting me longer with other juices. The Jac ones might be better.
Give the Elements a try, see how long they last first. I was getting a week out of an aspire nautilus coil that was lasting me longer with other juices. The Jac ones might be better.

6 days and frazzled. Shame as I was really getting into the Creme. Will give another coil a go and see how it handles. Learning learning
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