Hey Rob! Are you looking for the whole mod? Or just the converter/adapter to be turn the tube mod into a sbs? If it’s the latter, you may be interested in ordering here:Probably a forlorn hope, but.... We are looking for a Converter SBS Kit if anyone has one gathering dust ?
Preferably SS and Black would be favourite with "Herself".
Easy to miss, but at the bottom there was this link for the entire kitWhoops
The whole thing ideally @ZenAnarchi thanks
Never ordered from them, thought it just took a while…Some words of advice to ANYONE considering ordering via the shysters that are ecigwarehouse
DON'T Do It!!!
They are truly appalling. Read their Trustpilot reviews. Just to add insult to injury, they ship via EVRI which is by FAR the worst Courier service (SIC) known to man. FINALLY AFTER EVRI lost (Make that stole) the package, ecigshysterhouse said they'd refund us. 10 days later and we're still waiting.