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Anger over ban on e-cigs ban




[h=1]Anger over ban on e-cigs ban[/h]
Greatham man John Hawksworth with an e-cigarette, which produces vapour that looks like smoke and has been banned from Hartlepool pubs, the Ward Jackson pub on Church Square and The King Johns Tavern.

Published on Tuesday 12 February 2013 12:49

TWO smokers are fuming after being told that electronic cigarettes are banned from two town centre pubs.
Luc Guerian was stunned to discover that he would have to stand outside to smoke his e-cigarette if he went into Wetherspoon-owned Lloyds Bar, in Church Square, Hartlepool, or The King Johns Tavern, off Victoria Road.
The 31-year-old, who uses the electronic aid to help him smoke less traditional cigarettes, said he cannot understand why the pub chain has made the “puzzling” stance.
My one man wetherspoons boycott begins.

Its been awhile since I ate at a Wetherspoons since they released sometime last year that they dont allow vaping... Red Lions (cant remember who runs them now, might begin with an M?) dont do them either.

Marstons! they dont allow it.
Wetherspoons doesnt surprise me :( but then theyre generally shit places with no atmosphere
Best thing to do in situations like that is order a massive round and when the bar person is pulling the last pint whack out your PV and have a few toots of it at the bar. If they tell you its banned then tell them to shove their drinks lol.
I've only ever done it once when I was driving coaches and it was a good few years ago. I took a party in to Cargo to do a film shoot and while they were filming I went to the bar and ordered a can of coke lol. The barmaid opened the can, got a glass and asked if I wanted ice. She poured the drink in to a glass with the ice and then asked for £1.50! I choked and asked her how much was the drink "without the ice" she was dumbstruck and said eh £1.50. I smiled at her and told her to shove the drink up her arse then went to the chippie and bought a can for 60p so I sat on the bus and drank it lol.
I don't frequent pubs but on the odd occasion my OH decides to 'treat' me i always vape outside, its just easier, although i do sit away from the smokers cus quite frankly the stench is literally choking.
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