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Another bloody foreigner!

NW Redneck

Mar 6, 2013
Hello from BRITISH Columbia, Canada eh! Just signed up a couple of days ago so I thought I should introduce myself. I'm 40, married with 2 teenage kids, and work as an HVAC technician. (Heating & refrigeration for residential & commercial)

I started vaping in October 2012 with an eGo-C kit after being a smoker for 25 years, and the day my kit arrived was the day I had my last cigarette! I still use that kit for at work, and have a couple of 1000mah eGo twists for the rest of the time. Usually used with vivi novas or kanger t3's and most recently an iClear dual coil clearo. I've gotta say I never thought I would love vaping this much! All of the different juice flavours, devices, delivery systems, accessories etc. were a bit overwhelming at first, but now I have a 'wish list' of stuff I want as long as my arm! It's sites like this and the great people on them that convinced me give it a go and I'm sooooo glad I did!

Enough rambling for now. TTFN! :newhere:
Hi. Welcome to outer space :) i love a good ego and T3 combo too and i also stopped smoking completely the day i started vaping, great to hear your vaping story. Judy
Hi there welcome to the planet, I too have a long wish list, it gets a bit crazy at times. I think I actually spend more now than when I was smoking :P But I justify it by calling it a hobby ;)
Welcome dude, to the planet. Really apt word to be honest as that is what we are a big community. Unless you are Scottish then it doesn't matter where we originate or reside from. Xenophobia is left firmly at the door, so no need to worry. Enjoy your stay, it WILL be fun.
Hello from BRITISH Columbia, Canada eh! Just signed up a couple of days ago so I thought I should introduce myself. I'm 40, married with 2 teenage kids, and work as an HVAC technician. (Heating & refrigeration for residential & commercial)

I started vaping in October 2012 with an eGo-C kit after being a smoker for 25 years, and the day my kit arrived was the day I had my last cigarette! I still use that kit for at work, and have a couple of 1000mah eGo twists for the rest of the time. Usually used with vivi novas or kanger t3's and most recently an iClear dual coil clearo. I've gotta say I never thought I would love vaping this much! All of the different juice flavours, devices, delivery systems, accessories etc. were a bit overwhelming at first, but now I have a 'wish list' of stuff I want as long as my arm! It's sites like this and the great people on them that convinced me give it a go and I'm sooooo glad I did!

Enough rambling for now. TTFN! :newhere:

Welcome mate!
Welcome to the Planet :), Nice to have you here, I have family in "Whistler" although not been over since "88". Anyway pull up a chair and enjoy your stay.
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