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Another new Vaper saying hello and first impressions.

DJ Steve

Jun 29, 2014
Hi everybody, a new vaper stopping by to say hello.

My name is Steve or DJ Steve as I go by normally on different place and musically.

As of Friday 27/06/2014 I quit smoking and started Vaping. Bought myself an MVP 2 and a couple of bottles of Hangsen Vaping juices at 24mg. An American blend and a Pineapple. I guess like all ex smokers I thought the tobacco flavour would be the way to go first, but the American blend really does not taste like a cigarette at all. Not that I am disappointed! The pineapple is quite pleasant though :)

Ok first impressions with vaping.

1. I enjoy it.
2. My early morning coughing has diminished drastically!
3. I have TV eyes from watching so much Youtube on the subject of Vaping, reviews, mixing, and DIY.
4. I don't feel the need or desire for a cigarette.
5. After just two days vaping I made a drastic discovery, my sense of taste is coming back, it hit me this morning when I made some fresh ground coffee, wow what a nice surprise that was!
6. I drink a lot more fluid now that I used to from the PG so I am led to believe as it dries your mouth out.
7. I am looking forward to tasting so many new flavours.
8. My cats are no longer passively smoking too!

Look forward to many useful tips and things of vaping interest from you all and maybe making a few new friends on the journey!!

DJ Steve
Nice to meet you! :)

Haha I understand entirely what you mean about watching YT videos on vaping — I can't seem to stop myself. It's either vaping, buying vaping equipment, watching videos on vaping... It takes over with all of its delicious flavours and exciting hardware!

Congrats on kicking the cigs and finding a new, safer way :)

Sent from my iPad using Planet of the Vapes
Hello Stevie and welcome to POTV nice to meet you mate and well done on quitting the smokes look forward to speaking to you and hopefully giving you a little help along the way as I have been vaping for 16 months now.
:2thumbsup: Hello Steve, Nice to meet you Mate!!! Congratulations on Ditching the Stinkies and Choosing this Forum!!! Enjoy your stay and Welcome to the Wonderful World of Vaping!!! ( Nice intro by the way )
My first post. Steve I quit cigs and starting vaping on Friday too. Started with Cool Fire 2. Store warned me that I Clear 30b that came with it has given other customers trouble. He gave me a 16b to go with it. He was right the 30 leaked from the start even after changing coils. 16b was flawless, but didn't like the look of it on the grenade. Picked up an Aerotank Mega today. Works great and looks better.
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