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Another newb...


May 28, 2014
Afternoon all.

Following about 4386 failed attempts at quitting smoking (I've gotten really good at quitting now ;) ) I had a spell of trying skycig which didn't really work for me.
Just had a good friend diagnosed with COPD so its hit home that I really need to try again.
So, just ordered a Tornado V3, although I wish I'd found this place first...
But, it's "only" the price of 3 packs of smokes so hopefully it will give me a better idea than the skycig one anyway, and I can move onto something better if needed.

Thanks in advance of all my questions!

Aloha man, yeah the initial cost can be a bit off putting (and shinyitis is a bitch on your finaces) but remember after that its only liquid you need and replacements for wicks etc once in a while. CHeck out one of the saving calculators and it will give you an idea of how much you'll be saving, you'll be surpirsed how fast your savings mount up.
Welcome to the planet. You can switch from smoking to vaping & for some people it's been an easy switch, it really can be that good. Nearly everyone here is an ex smoker so just go for it.
Welcome to the planet :) you should notice a fair difference between the skycig and your new kit, but I'm also sure that you will soon get distracted by other shiny things-we've all been there! But when it comes to your health, it is all totally worth it. Good luck and don't be why if you need any help or support :)
Tanks all, much appreciated :)
There are lots of shiny things on here, and I've got a real weak spot for shiny... :rotflmao:
Luckily I don't understand what any of it is, way too many new words to learn! So, my wallet should be safe... for a little while, anyway!
Sorry, just testing edited profile works okay, now I've been freed by my two posts!

EDIT: Ignore that, I'm just being stoooopid, again...
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Welcome from another newbie

Sent from my SM-T310 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Cheers guys :)

MY vape turns up today, I feel like a kid on Christmas eve!
Shinies, soooooooo many shinies I want them all!

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
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