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Any interest in GROUP BUY Tahiti Evo by GP Custom.

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T wisted

Sep 4, 2013
Just putting feelers out to see if there is any interest in a group buy for TAHITI EVO by GP Customs.

Link to GP custom thread:

I have spoke with GP Custom and there would be minimum order of 20 units.

Cost of each unit would be approximately £75 or there about (Paypal fees and shipping).

Retail is $195 :(
To us Apes $105 :)

So if there is any interest or questions add your name in list format and we will see what happens.

PS: Anyone with experience of GROUP BUYS can take over this if you wish I am just testing interest levels :D
NEW Information as come to light. So for piece of mind I am going to ask for MODS/ADMINS to CLOSE/LOCK this thread.

Thank you in advance.
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