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Any uk alternative to vapolips

Not seen anyone, had a look at the site and i don't see any prices which is a worry.
Anyone in the mod section selling, maybe they could help?

I've been looking at building an unregulated box, getting the parts from stealth vapes works out to 30quid ish so no real loss if i fluff up.

With chips etc not sure i'd bother at this point.
There isnt a site as such, but you could get in touch with High Voltage Mods, I'll tag him for you now - BaDaBooM.

He does great work and may well be willing to do something custom for you or even have one ready to go that you may like. Tjhere are other Modders on here as well and pretty much everyone of those components is available from Modmaker.co.uk, more than likely with a bit of help if you need it...
Reason I like this site is it lets you choose the powder coating options. But yeah still looking for alternatives.
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