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APO clone sexy discovery

May 26, 2013
Was pottering away as I do and thought I'd polish the copper sleeve on the APO RDA from angelfiremods I got at the beging of the week

Now as I was brushing and buffing away with my dremel I sliped and the locking nut on the dremel caut the edge or the metal and on close inspection I noticed a tiny amount is brass. So me being me I took the copper plating off

Id like to add that the plating on this thing has been done so well that it took quite a bit of ss brushing and wet and dry sanding to get it if off so its not just going to peel off

After a good polish hear is the result :)


The pictures dont really do it justice but must say it was one of them good mistakes :)

Sent from my LT22i using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
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