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Aussie Madness: Penalties Against Vapes Are Now Harsher Than Heroin

Toby iVapour

Jul 12, 2012

The ACT has decriminalised many illicit drugs, but has some of the strictest penalties for possessing nicotine vapes​

If you're caught with an unprescribed nicotine vape in the nation's capital, the law states you can be fined 320 times more than if you were possession of a gram of heroin.

Under current legislation, law enforcement theoretically has the power to penalise individuals up to $32,000 and place them in jail for two years if they're found to have liquid nicotine without a prescription.

But the penalty for being found with small quantities of illicit drugs like heroin, ice, and MDMA is a $100 fine or a referral to an addiction treatment service.
Whilst the whole Aussie vape situation is 🦇 💩 crazy, this is clearly not by design and is just a stupid after effect of a stupid approach and stupid new rules. They'll no doubt correct this flaw and return to their regular level of idiocy.
Meanwhile, Dr. Colin Mendelsohn addresses the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into Vaping -

I gave evidence at the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into vaping today. The myths and rampant misinformation being fed to the Inquiry are breathtaking. I tried to introduce the actual evidence and explained that vaping is beneficial overall to public health.Key message: The NSW Parliament must decide whether to allow the current failed model to continue under criminal control or to take control and regulate the market.
Whilst the whole Aussie vape situation is 🦇 💩 crazy, this is clearly not by design and is just a stupid after effect of a stupid approach and stupid new rules. They'll no doubt correct this flaw and return to their regular level of idiocy.

come on, you’re supposed to respond to these threads with hysterical negative moaning. what’s this, being rational all about? :)
And also new vaping techniques for Aussie kids -
Asked if police needed more power to control the sector, the assistant commissioner said: "no, not at all."
In addition to sufficient search and seizure powers, police had "significantly higher priorities than doing enforcement work for vapes", he said.
Still not bad, though? They could go further and crucify these criminals? ROTFL
i can see the headlines. teens nailed to wood in smoke holding scandal
How about: The Australian Navy dispatched two corvettes, a submarine and a destroyer to pursuit two teenagers who had a vape pen with them in the kayak?
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