My biggest spend on an RDA. I've got a question for any of you fellas with an authentic.
The top cap is wobbly and can be moved up and down on the subcap threads without turning it. Shud it be like this?
My authentic does not do that.
View attachment 66640
With it rotated to that level it does not move at all. It's rock solid. Only budges by rotating on the threads.
Only time it would move outside of rotating on the threads if it wasn't screwed onto the threads at all.
OK with mine at the same level there is a small amount of play side to side (wobble) and up/down, more than the tobeco clone. Waiting to to hear what avid say. It's defo NOT rock solid. When i first got it, the afc wud spin very freely with the lightest of touch. This can't be right. Maybe i'm too picky.
So for sure you've got no side to side wobble and up down play on the AFC?
Nope. If I try it only moves the entire barrel of the deck.