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Bad coil night


Staff member
Jul 11, 2012
I guess I'm posting this just to show that even us old hands sometimes have bad nights where our builds just aren't happening. 3 1/2 years experience doesn't always mean shit!

i decided to recoil my in'ax (the easiest genny in the know. Universe) last night. I've done it a few times so far with no trouble, just pull the old wire off, stick some new wire on and jobs a goodun! Not last night. I must have popped about 10 coils due to hot spots at the bottom, the. I realised my mesh was burnt through so start the whole thing from scratch...more ducking hot spots. Then I couldn't get anything higher than .5 built (I like around 1.2). Turns out the stupid grip stick spring things were rotating (only found out when I wrapped about 10 times but only had 2 coils). Finally got it going after about a hour and a half to find I'd run out of nice juice so bad to just add what I could find-a bit of this and a bit of that! Bloody nightmare. It's great this morning but was driving me mad last night.

so if you are having a bad build day, don't stress-it happens to us all sometimes :)
You, sir, are a fucking legend! I've been looking for a nice clear photo of which gripstick is which! Just waiting for vapist to get some spares packs back in as I know I'm going to lose some soon (little bastards!).
Hmmm was using the right one so it was the centre pin rotating. I think I need to roll my wicks thicker then-not that I'm touching it today! It's working a treat at the moment :)
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