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BAMvaping has landed!


Mar 15, 2014
Hi everyone! Just wanted to say a big "HELLO" to the comunity here at POTV! I hope to get involved in some great discussions here on the forum and even help out people with vape tips and tricks along the way. E-cig forums like POTV and ECF have been instrumental to my own experience and understanding of all things e-cig and I hope to continue expanding my knowledge and making some great vape friends.

Keep Vapin'! :D
Hiya Bam! And welcome to the Planet!

How long have you been vaping and whats your setup?
Hiya Bam! And welcome to the Planet!

How long have you been vaping and whats your setup?

Thanks all for the friendly welcomes.

I originally started vaping your basic gas station e-cigs a few years back but unfortunately relapsed to analoges. It took about another year or so to finally get motivated enough to either quit cold-turkey or return to e-cigs. It was then that I found - low and behold - a huge online community that I had no idea existed previously. Moreover I found that there are a ton of alternative products beside your standard cigarette-like cartomizers available. I've been back happily vaping for a few months now and have plunged right into the deep-end with a whole range of clearomizers, RBA's, RDA's, liquids, and a ton of other e-gear.

Currently I'm hooked on Kringle's Curse from Halo vaping on either a Kanger Evod or Protank 2 mini power by an iTaste MVP v2. I have become fairly decent at rebuilding my own coils and love the whole hands-on fully-customizable element of e-cigs!
Nice to meet you! What are these halo juices!? *must look*

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
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