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Basic first Russian 91%


Feb 16, 2014
So my Russian 91% clone arrived the other day and I've got it all cleaned (I hope). Now I'm dying to have a vape.

The problems, however, are numerous. The only thing I've recoiled are my vivi novas, my silica is 1.5 or 2 mm and there's not much left at that, I don't have a blowtorch and I'm not even going to ask my wife if I can flame the crap out of her tweezers. I'll not get a chance to get to the shops until the weekend and even then I'll be away for the weekend with my wife so the opportunity for recoiling will be limited.

What I do have is plenty of .20 kanthal, a big roll of tesco value cotton wool, an abundance of little used cigarette lighters and plenty of cocktail sticks.

Is there any relatively straightforward coil and wick set up I can bang together with my current resources?

I was thinking flame kanthal with a lighter, basic coil round a cocktail stick, mount it on the deck, then push through some cotton wool and make sure it touches the base but doesn't block the juice channels. I'm having my doubts if this'll work though. I'd also like some pics or a vid if someone knows of one.

No pressure boys and girls :-)

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I think rip trippers on YouTube built one with cotton and a micro coil.
Wrapping around a toothpick should work. get the coils as close together as you can, but don't worry too much. Use one more wrap than you think you'll need, then unwrap the first wrap. It'll never be as good as the other wraps.

After you get your coil mounted: fire it till it glows, release the button, and immediately squeeze it together with tweezers. Do that a couple times and you'll have a nice tight micro coil without using a blowtorch.

Just roll the tip of the cotton, and use just enough to give a bit of resistance as you pull it through the coil. Trim the ends so they touch the bottom of the deck but don't block the juice channels that come up the side.

Put some juice on the wick to hold it in place before you put on the first chimney section, and check that the wick hasn't moved before you put the 'tin man hat' on top of the chimney. Put the rest of the pieces together, fill about 3/4 full so there is still some air in the system to make the vacuum work, and you're good to vape.

Hope this helps.
Wouldn't the lack of a blowtorch stop me microcoiling?

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You can microcoil just fine without a torch, It's what I do. You just use your atty to heat up the coil instead of the torch, as dawg has pointed out.
I never use a blowtorch, just fire the coil and pinch it while it's hot. It always comes out nice and tight.
Basic, 1st time easy, fool proof build for the Russian 91% has to be - a double piece of 2mm silica, an inch and a quarter/inch and a half long, hand wrapped, with whatever wire you have,with enough coils to give you, what you think, will be the guesstimate ohms that you require. Mount to the deck and screw on the chimney, with both sides of the wick sticking up through the chimney. Trim to approx 3-5mm above chimney height and gently push down to the deck using a small flat head screw driver, one to the right,one to the left. No need to fuss and worry about where the wick is laying, or the juice channels. No need to trim the wicks and faff about positioning in place before screweing on the chimney. Russians and Kayfuns really are that easy and obliging.
Seeing as you don't have silica, you can achieve the same with a nice tight microcoil, and a good,loose length of your cotton threaded through. Mount the same as I have described with silica, trim excess the same, and push down gently to the deck. Again, no worries about where the cotton wick lays or the juice channel.
The only important thing to remember is not to jam and compact the wicking.
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Thanks guys, sorry dawg, I think I must've been writing my reply when you replied. I'll give it a try. Looking forward to giving this bad boy a vape.

I'll order some more silica/ekowool tonight. I'll probably pick up a few supplies over the weekend anyway.

You're all legends.

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