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Battery mAh


Dec 5, 2018
Sorry if it's been asked before but I can't seem to find an answer. 2500, 3000 or 3400 mAh for vaping. I'm using them in a Aegis Legend at a relatively low wattage (sub 80 usually).

What's the best size for longevity and total life?

More important is Amp but Samsung 30Q are a good allrounder, 20A and 3000mAh.

Ninja'd by Ash :assassin:
Yeah, some batteries are not all their labels say they are. Some claim to be 30A but are really 25A. Check out those you are thinking of by doing a search, punch in the name of the battery, its rating etc followed by "Mooch". You may be surprised at what you see with some. Some are rated real high but are just rewrapped rejects that dont come close to what it says on the wrap.
Make sure your batteries, whatever you choose, come from a reputable supplier !! Fogstar is highly thought of on here, and they do a discount for POTV Members too
Sorry if it's been asked before but I can't seem to find an answer. 2500, 3000 or 3400 mAh for vaping. I'm using them in a Aegis Legend at a relatively low wattage (sub 80 usually).

What's the best size for longevity and total life?

There's a trade off between capacity (mAh) and Amps draw (CDR). More of one = less of the other. Basically you need to know that a battery can withstand the maximum Amps draw you're going to impose on it. Only then should you pay any attention to the mAh, all that tells you is how often you're going to need to recharge it.

And please... ignore "pulse" ratings, they are irrelevant in the context of vaping.
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