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BBC Radio London 18th January 2013 - Remarkable Interview with ASH Spokewoman...


Jul 18, 2012
Well - I got up this morning expecting a thick blanket of snow and was all excited! This lasted a few seconds, until I looked out of the window and found that it hadn't materialised. Down-hearted, I packed away my plastic sledge, put the carrot back in the veggie drawer and the two coals back in the coal cellar (all lies, but scene building!).

I defrosted the car, locked up the house and put on the radio - and heard the last ten seconds of this:

Click here to see if you are as surprised as I was...

I've been itching all day (a whole other story!) to get home and savage the BBC Radio London 98.4 podcast, so I could post it up. This has now been added to my MP/MEP "persuasion" kit and will be attached to any further emails.

ENJOY! :yahoo:

Then it started snowing and made me frown a lot!

PS - Can I ask everyone not to link directly to the clip as it will affect my account? If you want a copy of the MP3, PM me and I'll email it back to you. CHEERS!
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Mark, ten seconds later and I would have missed it completely! That soundbite added to the recent ASH bulletin is something which supports our argument a lot, in my opinion. The vast majority of people, especially politicians, know that ASH are rabidly anti-smoking, so to hear and read their official line will probably make a decent impression. :D
Mark, ten seconds later and I would have missed it completely! That soundbite added to the recent ASH bulletin is something which supports our argument a lot, in my opinion. The vast majority of people, especially politicians, know that ASH are rabidly anti-smoking, so to hear and read their official line will probably make a decent impression. :D
I've said the same thing on other threads Lee. I hold NO candle for ASH and their contribution towards demonisation of smokers but sometimes you have to dance with the devil. And no, not that devil ;) Support can come from odd directions. Selfishly embrace it! :)
I've said the same thing on other threads Lee. I hold NO candle for ASH and their contribution towards demonisation of smokers but sometimes you have to dance with the devil. And no, not that devil ;) Support can come from odd directions. Selfishly embrace it! :)

Absolutely agree 100%. The demonisation thing is something that really gets my goat too. However if the nice lady invited me, I'd manage a nice Waltz without too much guilt! It's a nice, short interview that makes a couple of nice points. I'm hugging my copy of the MP3 as we speak. :2thumbsup:
Hopefully you can play with your, ahem, carrot, later too ;)
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