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Beginner RDA Problems


Jul 11, 2016
I'm brand new to RDAs and received my first one in the mail today. Its a Wotofo Sapor authentic, and I also bought some prebuilt clapton coils. It took me a while but I eventually got everything wicked and juiced up, but I have some questions. If anyone could help me I'd appreciate it :)

1) When installing the coil, I struggled to get it to sit straight, and actually in the RDA properly. When I eventually got it in place, the leg leading to the outer post was slightly bent away from the wraps, so it stuck out a mm or so further then the other wraps. Is there a way to avoid this?
2) I struggled for ages with wicking, so whats the easiest way to get the cotton through the coil? It kept moving my coil and breaking the cotton as i tried to pull it through.
3) When it was finally ready, I juiced it and fired it up. There's a slight delay before vapor is produced, and then it pops and spits loads of juice out. Looks like the trails of smoke you see in movies during a volcano eruption :). What causes this and how do I stop it? I can't right now, but if it helps I can make a video demonstrating this later and post it as a reply.

Any help is appreciated :)
1. install the coil on a rod which is the same ID as the coil. As you tighten the leg down use a fingernail to hold the outer wrap as the tension is applied to the coil. This will prevent the wraps coming away. Once fully tightened down you can pinch and fiddle with the wraps to get them tight or evenly spaced as you want them.
2. Personally I keep the fibres open, full of air, then pinch one end between thumb and forefinger to pull it through the coil. There should be little to zero resistance as you pull your wick through the wraps - too much resistance and moving the wraps to me always suggests that there's too much cotton fibre. If you are moving clapton wire with your wick that suggests way too much wick. With too much fibre you'll strangle the coil and slow down the juice flow. A rookie error might be to make the wick with the fibres in the wrong direction - they should be in the long direction otherwise the wick will be weak.
3. This sounds like you haven't got the power set correctly for the build. You really want almost immediate heat and vapour. The spitting sounds like the wicks and wire are saturated but with not enough airflow to get the vapor away from the heat ... so it's popping and boiling away on the coils. Twisted wires and claptons are prone to this ... it's all about matching the heat generation with the cooling effects of airflow and evaporation.
I know this is a bit of a cop out but, If I were you (and I was a few months back) I would watch a lot of wicking and coiling videos on youtube, especially ones for your particular RDA. There are hundreds of people out there who love nothing more than making videos, showing you exactly what and how to do it.

The delay is quite normal for RDA style vaping and will vary depending on your build, the material used, the coil resistance and the power or temperature setting you use.

The popping and spitting is also fairly normal for the kind of coil and wicking used in RDAs. The top cap and drip tip and of course, the addition of airflow, should stop most of that reaching your mouth but never quite all of it.
Hi @sammyxd

Your best bet is to watch a few build tutorials on YouTube but here's a few pointers

Hold your coil on a screwdriver or something similar so you can hold the 1st wrap close to the others while you tighten the post screw, then put your screwdriver in from the other side to tighten up the other post screw.
Youre using to much wicking material, it wants to be tight, but not move the coil when you pull it through.
The popping and splattering is common with claptons, it does improve when you get better at wicking.

Keep practicing.... you'll get there bud
Alright thanks guys, guess practice will make perfect :)

Yes, practice is all important. No perfect or ideal way and you will always find ways to tweak your build to suit you.
Do watch the videos.
Depending on coil and deck, you can (or may need to) put a bend or two in the coil leg(s) to get a good fit but unless it's interfering with wicking, wouldn't worry too much.
Don't forget to strum ;)
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As has been said watch some videos on wicking I personally always use the scotish roll method in my rda's. You will find one thst works for you.
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