Anyone got any good berry menthol DIY recipes?
I could tell you but ....
Looks like VBC may not be a good starter juice to try and recreate!
As a more general piece of advice though, trying to recreate your favourite flavours via DIY is just an exercise in frustration.
I could tell you that in my custard recipe there is x y and z flavours and it would still take you months to get the ratios right, most of the time you don't know what the flavours used are and more importantly which flavour house they came from.
As you DIY more and more (or make juice for a living) and experiment with different things, different flavour companies you build up more knowledge. So say DIY for a year or so and you should be able to relatively quickly make a closeish copy of whatever juice. Some of the more complex ones though you might never be able to copy.
It's much better to start from a blank page and say I like berry flavours and I like menthol lets mix something up and see what happens you'll either get something you like or you won't, as long as you write down what you did you can keep tweaking things until it's how you like it.
Some pointers though:
i) aim at about 15% - 20% of finished liquid to be flavouring
ii) use flavours sparingly, it's easy to add more it's not so easy to take it out.
iii) use vanishingly small amounts of menthol
iv) practice a bit with no nicotine in there, as without nicotine you don't need to steep it at all, then add some nic to an effort you like, note how the nicotine changes it after a week or so and adjust some more.