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Berserker Mini Issue


Jul 4, 2019
Greetings fellow vapers!

I was recently gifted the Berserker Mini MTL tank and can't seem to get any flavor out of it no matter what I try.
I'm assuming it's user error on my part as all the reviews/videos on the tank claim the it's one of the best MTL tanks on the market for flavor.

I've been using a .8ohm coil at 12-16 watts on the Vaporesso Swag mod.
I usually use fruity liquids and at the moment am using eithe Strapped strawberry sourbelt or Dr Frost cherry iced.

Prior to getting the Berserker Mini I was using the Vaporess NRG tank with their .5ohm ceramic coils and the flavor was brilliant.

If anyone has any ideas on how I could beef up the flavor from this tank I'd be really grateful.

Hi and welcome to the planet

i know naff all about rta or building coils so best wait for others to advise on that.

couple of vids worth watching while you wait if you havnt already seen them

Before you do anything try it around 17-19 watts. See if that improves anything
Hi and welcome to the planet

i know naff all about rta or building coils so best wait for others to advise on that.

couple of vids worth watching while you wait if you havnt already seen them

Thanks MrDJ, they're actually two of the first videos I watched after getting it. Thanks for the reply though
Before you do anything try it around 17-19 watts. See if that improves anything

Hi Discomatt.
Just tried it and the only difference is a slightly warmer vape. Still very little flavor unfortunately.
Thanks for the suggestion though
Dumb it down, go 28awg kanthal with muji and 50/50 liquid and see how it goes. If you still aint getting flavour with that, stick up a piccy of your deck wicked up.
My first guess is too much cotton. You want the cotton snug thru the coil but then cut the tails nice and short so they only just sit in the juice well. Don't leave long tails that fill and plug up the entire juice well. And make sure it's roomy in the well. Cotton swells when wet. Put too much in the well and when it swells it will choke off the flow of juice which will seriously impact flavour.

You could also post a picture of your build.
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FWIW I use the Berserker mini daily with 28 AWG kanthal 2.5mm ID 7/8 wraps to around 1.4 ohms and vape 50/50 juice at 10 watts in it. No lack of flavour.
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