Just to weigh in. I like my kangers. Giant and turbo shown. Giant I love, can't fault it since I found how to fully fill it and also switched to NV coil. Really like it.
still not settled with the turbo. Size, it's bigger than big, makes the giant look small. But when in 26650 I suppose there are lots of big aspects to consider.
its taken me two days to gel with the turbo, and even then, only after swapping the coils out for a pair of NVs. 0.7 ohm according to the seVen, so both the 1.4s are happy in there. But had lots of issues, mainly as I stupidly didn't wash the tank when I got it, so definite metallic taste that's taken time to clear before use again.
but that said, I still rate the giant with an NV in there and it's easy enough to rewick when needed without any hassles.