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Best 26650 tank?


Nov 14, 2013
Hello people just wanted some help deciding on a 26650 tank 2 go on my box mod that ive nearly finished. Hav been thinking about the 26650 orchid or mayb the kraken or v4 fogger? Would be nice to hear some peoples experience wiv a 26650 tank.
Cheers 4 any help.
Hello people just wanted some help deciding on a 26650 tank 2 go on my box mod that ive nearly finished. Hav been thinking about the 26650 orchid or mayb the kraken or v4 fogger? Would be nice to hear some peoples experience wiv a 26650 tank.
Cheers 4 any help.

I got a Big Fogger with a 26650 Mutant clone; good vape but tricky to build (for me as total noob coming from a Kayfun) - leaked awful until watched Bloody Good Vaping's review of the Fogger v4, I think it was. (Trick is to have wick ends in the channels, and wicks rising straight out of the channels - not on the deck, or will leak into air holes on the deck, they're not raised like the Kayfun's centre hole.) The Big Fogger is a chunky beast, steel and glass, the chimney screws into the top. I don't have a 2665O Orchid, Kraken or v4 Fogger, so can't comment. I do have a v3 Orchid; given a choice between those two, I'd go for the Big Fogger, holds a lot more juice, and bigger deck is easier on my eyesight for building.
Cheers Rab D 4 the reply, thats the fogger I meant the big fogger. On ure v3 orchid does it hav air flow hole 4 each coil? As the 26650 orchid ive seen only has a single center air flow hole, not sure how good that would b 4 dual coils?
Just to weigh in. I like my kangers. Giant and turbo shown. Giant I love, can't fault it since I found how to fully fill it and also switched to NV coil. Really like it.

still not settled with the turbo. Size, it's bigger than big, makes the giant look small. But when in 26650 I suppose there are lots of big aspects to consider.

its taken me two days to gel with the turbo, and even then, only after swapping the coils out for a pair of NVs. 0.7 ohm according to the seVen, so both the 1.4s are happy in there. But had lots of issues, mainly as I stupidly didn't wash the tank when I got it, so definite metallic taste that's taken time to clear before use again.

but that said, I still rate the giant with an NV in there and it's easy enough to rewick when needed without any hassles.


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Cheers @Rab D 4 the reply, thats the fogger I meant the big fogger. On ure v3 orchid does it hav air flow hole 4 each coil? As the 26650 orchid ive seen only has a single center air flow hole, not sure how good that would b 4 dual coils?

My Orchid v3 has two air holes, one for each coil.

Fasttech has the 26650 Orchid, but not clear on how it can work well with one centre hole; a lot of criticism on FT forum and both of the (only two!) reviews are negative.
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