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Best clearomizers and tanks that don't leak?


Jan 30, 2013
Hey guys, recently all my Kanger t3 clearos and my vivi nova have been leaking a lot especially when there in my pocket attacked to my lambo 4. So I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for some really good tanks and clearos that don't cost too much and are easy to replace ?
Cheers in advance.
Novas and kangers are pretty decent, though I have had both leak onn me, not in any drastic manner though, but, have you considered a rebuildable, say, get an Aga T+/T2?
cheers for the reply, yeah my friend has a did but I am not sure how comfortable I would be with rebuilding, don't want screw up my device. My mate says it's a little complicated if you haven't done it before.
It can be a bit fiddly to start off with, but you can find tutorials on you tube, check out Todds Reviews site for a heap there, check out threads also in our rebuildables forum...main problem would be a coiled device effing things up, say, the ohm resistance being too low, but you can check that on the lambo anyway...with tanks, best not to have them in pockets, could be an idea to invest in a lanyard to hang around your neck, perhaps.
I have a carry case that came with my eg twist but it has batteries and juice in there I dont want to risk the clearo/tank leaking on the batteries.
I would but the only time its in my pocket is at work and on my way to work or uni.
Haven't had leaks from my nova or manager yet at all, but I'm almost certainly ordering an aga t2 today that may be the way forward
Haven't had leaks from my nova or manager yet at all, but I'm almost certainly ordering an aga t2 today that may be the way forward

Really glad your manager doesn't leak, that could be embarrassing. The joys of predictive text? I have only ever had one leak from either a Kager T3 or Vivi Novas/Minis and that was my fault - I overfilled it. My only complaint about the wonderful IGO-Ls is that stuf leaches out of the air hole - if you lay it on its side with tha downwards.
i use tapatalk once and it corrects me, curse you autocorrect! thats why ill never have a phone without a real keyboard (that was sent from my tablet) its even more annoying when it corrects to the wrong spelling too, right now even chrome is telling me that flavour and colour are wrong

on a more on topic note, sort of, i ordered my aga this morning and it should be here tomorrow, now to spend the weekend (and probably most of next week) learning how to use it properly
I have been happy with my 2 nova's up till now, just waiting on my aga-t+ to be delivered and looking at an igo-l
I have found that one of the best, easy to use, clearo type is the new Kanger Evod.

Only one UK vendor has it, at the moment, and that is ivapour-elixir. - http://www.ivapour-elixir.co.uk/evod.html
I did a review of it on my blog ( http://www.ecignews.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/kanger-evod-new-product-review.html )

It doesn't leak, lots of vapour, good flavour - it does what it says it should (for a change lol)
In my opinion it is better than a Vision, Nova, and is an improvement on the Kanger T3/MT3 etc.

RoadhogUK did a you-tube review of it as well, and he liked it.
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