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Best Menthol Juice

Hangsen HS Menthol Sensation for pure menthol.

I'm loving Mr Krakens Crystal Menth right now though.
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I bought an own brand menthol from my local shop in Grantham - Celtic Menthol. Of the limited number I've tried so far. This one blew my head off. Lovely!
Tried a few menthols but so far the best for me are Krakens crystal menth and it looks a cool blue green colour, steam gunks iced mint menthol, but my favorite is seduce juice white walker

Sent from my SGP312 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Tried a few

TW , tasteless vile rubbish.

Mentally Menthol by Alchemist Cupboard, not strong enough, and a little too sweet for me.

Hangsen Menthol sensation, bit of an acquired taste but I quite like it.

iBreath Menthol, acceptable.

Dekang menthol, got some to test jury's out on that one untill further notice.
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