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Best mixing starter kit?


Jan 29, 2015
I'm spending a small fortune on e liquids, I'm pretty sure I'm more addicted to the trying of new flavours than I am of the nicotine I'm inhaling. Double that with the fact I'm using sub ohm coils now, I'm going through juice at a new level ( roughly 5 ml a day ). So mixing my own is going to stop me becoming broke, homeless selling my body for a new ejuice.

With a quick Google search it's become apparent that there is hundreds of companies selling kits.

My question. Who offers the best kit? Based on equipment, quality and value for money?

I'm in the same boat Darren....although I have tried enough juice now to know what i do and don't like. Love Manabush Nokomis and powwow which I can't make....but would really like to make some vanilla custard so interested to see the recommendations...;)
I've only tried one brand of vanilla custard and it was awful. I had to bin the coil I was using and take my tank apart to rid it of any contamination. I see masses of people on here love a custard flavour though. I might have got a bad batch, but the experience has left me scarred.
All out of stock
Damn in pg and vg ?? I was ordering myself Tuesday , I'll prob just wait then as its great value or buy there nic, classikool pg and boots vg all nice and cheap but good stuff and chef vapour sell all the needles , bottles etc st a good price :)
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