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Best tank for new dripper


Mar 7, 2014
Hi guys what is the Brest rebuildable tank for me to start with as a beginner.

Sent from my HTC One SV using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Best not brest bloody phone.

Sent from my HTC One SV using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Not sureif you want a tank or dripper, so I'llgive youboth. I'd say a good rebuildable dripper for a beginner is something like an igo L or w.
A good beginners tank I'd say would be a Smok RSST.

I started with both of those.

Sent with kind regards and salutations.
I agree with the drippers, but I'd go with something like a kayfun or taifun for the tank option just because silica atties are easier to get going than genesis style. The hotspots on mesh and leaking can put lots of people off rebuilding.

just my .02
Hi, I would say anything from from UDI who make the Igo's and the Aga's. Not too much of a strain on the wallet either. I have the Udi-Agi which can be used as a tank and a dripper, not at the same time of course.

Hope this helps :)
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