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Best tobacco flavour from LiQuid


Nov 15, 2014
As per title - recommending a smoker get off the icky sticks - going to steer him initially down the path of buying from OnePoundEliquid.

what sayeth ye, be the best tobacco flavour from them, in your experience?
I tried a couple from them yonks back, Premium Tobacco and British Tobacco, poured them both down the drain so I wouldn't steer anyone towards them.
As an ex pipe smoker who enjoyed strong, rope tobacco's, I find bestcigliquid the best.
Hi monstermash :)

I tried all the tobaccos from LiQuid and there was one that was ok'ish but they don't do it any more. American Lites I think it was called! The rest were not to my liking. (They're all pretty horrible IMO)

Rather than use LiQuid have a look at Vape69. Cheaper and pretty much the same range. They might still be doing their 3 10ml liquids and shipping for £1 introduction offer.

I would rather steer you towards 88vape. I used their Rolling Leaf for quite a while. You can pick 88vape liquids up at your nearest B&M or Poundland stores or buy direct from 88vape.




Hope you manage to get your mate off the stinkies :)
I tried them all and never made it through a bottle, same with the v69 range. But everyone is different and they are not expensive to try
Not much help in the context of the OP but, when I first took up vaping i tried a shedful of tobacco flavours but I quickly realised they all had one thing in common, they were all shite, what I was craving was the taste of smoke not the taste of tobacco. Then I had a lightbulb moment and purchased a bottle of menthol, which I mixed with the least offensive tobacco flavour and found that i could get on with that, at the end of the first week I was surprised to find that I had only smoked 3 analogues, and that was out for a pint with the lads, there followed a couple such aberrations but I`m happy to say that I`ve been cig free for over 10 years.
Worth a try @gary68, don't fancy laying out a tenner for ten of them, got some nice 10mg solub arome vanilla custard and TFA 10mg pink lemonade, swap you 50ml for a 10ml bottle of that baccy flavour?

Worth a try @gary68, don't fancy laying out a tenner for ten of them, got some nice 10mg solub arome vanilla custard and TFA 10mg pink lemonade, swap you 50ml for a 10ml bottle of that baccy flavour?

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No mate I'm good I vape 3mg .you can get it for a buck in home Bargains .that's where I started off getting them .they usually carry 6 /12 /18 mg
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Maidens tobacco by 88vape is also in home bargains for a quid, and that is actually quite vapable, sort of close to a ry4.
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