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Bigger Better Faster MORE.. (VV vs VW)


Apr 6, 2013
Hovering on the verge of buying a more powerfull vape machine for home use and I'm a little confused over 1 niggling little issue.. A lot confused realy...

Is there any noticable difference using a VV mod and a VW mod?
VV, that is the power going through your atty regardless of the resistance.

VW reads the resistance of the atty and makes it's own decision what voltage is required to meet the output.

In a nutshell.

Others are better at explaining it, but that's the gist :D



ok, it is ohms law here...

if you use the same top piece (resistance wise), and you find out at what volts your juice is nicest...then you can stop right there and smile.

if you swop top pieces, and the resistance changes, or you do your own coils and so on, such that your resistance may not be constant, then having VW allow you to set a preferred point, and the device will adjust the output to match

lets do some examples..

i like 2.4ohm coils...and maybe i like the taste at 4 volts best. that is 6.6Watts of energy (ohms law, maths...boring...)(the watts is the bit that matters)

now oneday i go out and buy another clearo, or borrow one from a friend, or wind my own coil...I put it onto my VV device, and I have to adjust the voltage till it tastes best again. I use ohms law calculator here
and maybe for this coil it will work out at 4.2 volts...or 3.6volts..depending what resistance the coil has

BUT, if I had a VW device, I would tell it I like 6.6watts, and whatever coil I put on, it works out the resistance and adjusts the voltage to give me 6.6watts. Kinda like a built in ohms law dude, in my hand:-)

they can and will both taste as good as each other, just one can be adjusted (VV) but requires manual adjustment when changing resistances.
the other can be adjusted also (VW) but will figure out where your happy place is all by itself, once you tell it what you like

On this chart here
You tell the VW device what square you like in green area, then when you change coils (left hand vertical column), it works out what number to use on the top horizontal column (volts) to find your green square
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You just lit the little light bulb above my head ecignet lol.. cheers mate! so for some 1 winding their own coils VW takes care of all the trial and error...

Guess what I'm realy thinking is do I want a Vamo? I'm more drawn to something like the Robust purely for the size but the VW feature of the Vamo is making the choice hard..
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