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Blackcurrant piquancy pique


Apr 17, 2014
I want a leg up with blackcurrant please.

I have some FlavourArt Blackcurrant. On its own, 10-20% in a 50/50 6mg mix, it's nice enough but lacks piquancy/excitement; think blackcurrants that have been overcooked or cooked with too much sugar.

I can't take it anywhere without the blandness increasing; adding a touch of menthol, sweetener or honey gives an acceptable* vape but it's sill a bit "meh" for me.

I want a stab in the tongue, eye bulging type blackcurrant!

If you were me would you:
a) Spend a fortune trying other blackcurrant concentrates. (Please specify which eg: Inawera).
b) Accept the fact that higher VG means less piquancy.
c) Try adding a sour or some other enhancer.
d) None of the above ...

Ta for any help!

* Actually, he says taking a long drag, it's not that bad!
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Maybe a little drop - I mean literally just a drop - of citric acid?
I found TW's blackcurrant to be acceptable, but that was 2 years ago as a novice and my expectations may have changed.
Citric acid may be OTT, try mixing in a little Lemon (Inawera). I find it works with a lot of fruit flavours.
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