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Welcome to the Blotto Max Tester Event, “The Results”
The Blotto MAX by Dovpo in collaboration with Vaping Bogan. “Max” a Big boy, Le grand fromage, Nortius Maximus, Biggus Dickus or in Bogan’s native tongue “a right boomer”.
The Blotto Max is Dovpo/Bogans latest flagship for the Blotto Range along with a re-work of the original Blotto, the v1.5, but that’s for another thread, so enough about that one for now.
As this is relatively new to market, we’ll firstly provide some informative preamble before we get to the nitty gritty.
The Max is currently available in three different colours in-line with the other recent versions of the Blotto range.
The Blotto Max RTA sports the original honeycomb style airflow control ring, It also features the honeycomb holes within the build deck on the insides of the airflow posts to provide an “advanced air diffusion solution”, and is claimed to offer superior flavour to match your taste. Also claiming that you can tell the E-liquid profile layer by layer from one deep puff.
It has 272° Airflow around the coil(s) (The Original was allegedly 242°), It has improved metal backed airflow posts, improved cotton well design, an airier under coil airflow design, strengthened AFC and base, dual diffusion airflow and is easy filling. But the biggy and probably the most important thing… wait for iiiiiiiiiiiiit…
It’s now 28mm, bigger tank, bigger airflow, bigger deck, if you’re not getting my point ITS BIGGER! But! is bigger better?
Huge Juice, sorry no! I’ll repeat that in my best Loyd Grossman accent. A rather large e-liquid storage capacity. (Just for Zou that, now normal service shall resume)
That’s enough for the blah, blah, blah bit with all the specs and whatnot, onwards and upwards as they say. As the title suggests, this was run as a tester event, but before we move onto the results…I’ll give you a little insight into how it’s run and how we got here.
As you’re probably aware Dovpo posted the event on POTV and asked all interested parties to put their names on a list, three lucky apes were selected to test the “Max” and arrangements were made to get their desired colours sent to them along with some trendy merch.
A private group chat commenced along with the selected v1.5 testers so we could all get to grips with the plan and bat around any ideas while we waited for the tanks to arrive. As expected from the start the usual banter ensued and we all got along effortlessly. It wasn’t long after the party started we had a gate crasher knocking at our door. hack400 obviously enjoyed the Blotto Single event that much, he had ordered both the “Max” & “v1.5” in advance which landed on the same day the testers were announced, hack400 therefore secured his place in the testers circle and was welcomed with open arms, so the number of testers increased to become the Maxnificent 5.
The main aims of the event (in order of priority) was for the testers to have some shits and giggles doing it, to provide you with a totally unbiased opinion of the Blotto Max, and to provide Dovpo with some invaluable feedback.
Andy (@dovpo_uk) was quick of the mark and in next to no time all the testers had their goodies.
I will point out that a couple of little gremlins needed to be ironed out at the start, bear in mind Dovpo pulled out the stops to get this event kicked off and we received tanks from the first production run, so the odd QA issue wasn’t unexpected, but Andy in true form got it sorted quick smart and reported the issues straight back to HQ.
All the testers jumped in feet first, I have numerous pictures of builds with different exotic coils, sizes, materials, positions, singles, duals etc. etc. I think it’s fair to say the Blotto Max has been well and truly put through its paces. (A selection of build pictures can be found here)
Learnt some interesting things along the way.
Found out that one ape has some rather peculiar tastes when it comes to his DIY juice flavours. Two that come to mind are called “Gary’s Cream 69” and “Graham’s Crack”. The mind boggles as to how, what & why but more importantly though I hope to god that Graham isn’t some large, sweaty, hairy arsed builder. Heads up it wasn’t any of the testers… you work it out.
Also discovered that none of us were very enamoured with slotted screws and seems would be happy to pay a little extra for alternative hex screws.
Anyway, I’m not going to give too much away and will leave the findings of the testing to the official “Test Results” attached to this post. What I will do though is quote some comments from the Group Chat about the Max. You can make your own minds up if you think we thought it was a right ripper or not!
[Hack400] - To be honest, I didn't find anything particularly special about having to do this build. It is a lovely deck to build into. And the vape is excellent. Airflow is exactly how I like it, I am running about 1/3 closed. Fantastic tank, thoroughly impressed so far.
[Reggiec] - Stuck one of my favourite coil builds in the Blotto Max, a Tri-core Staggered Fused Clapton. Made by Reggie’s Coil’s Lol. 6 wraps, 4mm ID, coming in at 0.51ohm.Vaping at 50w and Well f***in Well f***in Well, Well, Well. This tank is awesome!! No problem to coil, 5mm leg BTW I find is a good length and no problem to wick. No leaking just perfect. I’m vaping a mixed berry custard and its magic. Can’t wait to try a dual set up
[Ripple] - I wouldn't say I don't like it in fact as a single 3.5mm it is better than almost every other single coil dtl rta I've tried and I’ve gone through a lot of them. Comes a pretty close second to the Kylin Mini for me and that's very complimentary given I used two exclusively for around two years and still have them sat waiting their turn again.
[Hack400] - I was running it as a single coil for the last day, and was very happy with it. Bit unfair having a Max going at the same time, as that just does everything better (IMO).
[Squidgy] - In all my years vaping, This is honestly the first time I’ve had to dilute a shortfill because the flavour was coming through too strong.
[Reggiec] - Put a dual set up in the Max. With REGGIE’S COIL’S, 3mm ID, coming in at 0.19ohm and its chuffing away like Thomas The Tank Engine, minted at 85w. Took it up to 150watts but got to hot and the flavour was to intense. 70-85 watts is just perfect for me...
[Reggiec] - Forgot to mention that I tried just plain old sterile cotton wool from Asda in this build. 2 quid a bag Lol and still a magnificent vape, no leaking, no dry hits nothing. It’s like the Terminator everything you throw at it, The Max just takes it in it’s stride.
[Dovpo_uk] - It’s just too bloody airy for me as a single tbh and I need to close the afc to half which kinda defeats the object of the tank.
[Dovpo_uk] - Well if I’m right we can start a cult. “Too The Side Gang” and we can call the method
“Andy’s Bit On The Side” I can see me and Bogan slugging it out in his tattoo parlour lol.
[Jerri] - Put 3mm cotton lace in, didn’t trim or rake it at all. Happily chugging away at 48w.
Stellar coils!!This tank is REALLY forgiving when it comes to wicking.
[Jerri] - I think 3.5-4m is the sweet spot. I’m amazed at how forgiving the wicking is. I’m crap at wicking. I could probably make a top air flow tank leak but so far so good with this. It’s normally taken me a few tries to get wicking right on any rta.
[Reggiec] - It’s a dual Quad- core Staggered Fused Clapton, 5 wraps, 3 ID coming in at 0.13ohm and vaping at a tremendous 70w. Just magical.
[Reggiec] - Just can’t find a wrong thing about it, it’s excellent mate.
[Hack400] - End of day report. I went to the pub this evening, and I left the house with 1 mod and 1 tank. That tank was the Max. Haven't left the house without a mesh rta in nearly 6 months. I survived. I didn't panic. All was good. Well done Dovpo.
Blotto Max Build & Coiling Guide by Reggiec (Reggie’s Coils)

Build - Single Coil
5/6 wrap 4mm ID Coil, recommended leg length 6mm

Try and keep the top of the coil inline or just below the top of the side air posts. The coil can be positioned centrally which should provide a more restricted vape or the coil can be positioned to one side next to the air post to provide a less restricted vape.

Dry Burn
Set at a low power pulse fire the coil to check for any hot spots, if present, gently strum the coil with ceramic tweezers this should remove the hotspots and the coil should slowly glow from the middle wrap outwards. If strumming with metal tweezers or a coiling rod ensure the coil is not being pulse fired at the same time.
Thread the wick through the coil, it doesn’t need to be tight but should fill out the inside of the coil, cut the wick tails a little bit past the deck sides. Fluff the wick ends at either side and guide them into the wicking channels. The ends of the wick should pass through the wicking channels and just reach the base underneath. It doesn’t have to be perfect as the Blotto Max is a very forgiving RTA.

Apply a small amount of juice to the wick ends above and below the wicking channels, repeat a few times until the tails are suitably soaked. Apply juice to the top of the coil and slowly pulse the coil to suck it in, again repeat a few time until suitably soaked.

Assemble the tank, fill it up and enjoy.
Build - Dual Coil
5 wrap 3mm ID Coils, recommended leg length 4~5mm
Similar to the Single coil build, try and keep the top of the coil inline or just below the top of the side air posts. The coil can be positioned close to each other which should provide a more restricted vape or the coil can be positioned to the sides next to the air posts to give a larger gap in the centre which will provide a slightly less restricted vape.
As previously stated, the Blotto Max is such a forgiving RTA and when using quality coils it is a breeze to build on.

Dry burn
Make sure the coils are not touching each other or touching any part of the deck and 272° airflow posts.
As with the single build set at a low power pulse fire the coils to check for any hot spots, if present, gently strum and pinch the coils with ceramic tweezers this should remove the hotspots and the coils should both slowly glow from the middle wraps outward equally. If strumming and pinching with metal tweezers ensure the coils are not being pulse fired at the same time.
Both coils should be glowing evenly and together.
Wick the same way as the single coil build, however this time some gentle raking is probably going to be needed to thin out the wick ends a bit. The wicking into the channels can be quite loose but it needs to be fluffy enough to fill all of the channels, too loose and leaking could be a result.

Follow the same process as with the single coil build.

Assemble the tank, fill it up and enjoy.
If your new to RTA’s it’s probably a good idea to just ¼ fill to start off with, start off at a low power and slowly work it up to the desired vape. If you do find issues it’s then easier to dismantle and adjust, or if it’s leaking you’ll lose less juice.
If you like the look of the coils shown in this guide and wondering how to get hold of coils like this, you can find out further details here… www.reggie-s-coils.com
Finally! The Results
Individual scores…
Reggiec – 9.1/10
StrawberryRipple – 9.2/10
Jerri – 9.5/10
hack400 – 9.2/10
Squidgy – 9.6/10
Overall – 9.3/10
(If you’re interested a more detailed breakdown of the scoring including comments is attached)
I think it’s fair dinkum to state, that all the testers were rather impressed with the flexibility and performance of the Blotto Max and would agree it’s the dingo’s dangly’s. Yes, there are a couple of little niggles with some QA issues from the first batch and those dam slotted screws but hey, these are relatively simple issues that Dovpo are fully capable of ironing out, they proved they listened with the issue reported on the Blotto Single and in my opinion Dovpo certainly seem to be customer focus driven.
I appreciate it probably comes across a bit cliché, but in all honesty the Blotto Max is a great RTA, to the point where I’m convinced it’s the best dual coiler I have tried, or that is available on the market today. Some of the testers have or are looking to purchase further Max’s.
Should you also feel the need to jump in, you’ll find the Blotto Max and the v1.5 are currently available from the very reputable Vaping101
Vaping101 Blotto Max from £30.99
Vaping101 Blotto V1.5 at £29.99
Last of all, I would like to thank Andy and Dovpo for arranging this event and to my fellow testers, it’s been an absolute pleasure and a hoot to boot, I’m privileged to have been part of another great Dovpo Testing Event.
The Blotto MAX by Dovpo in collaboration with Vaping Bogan. “Max” a Big boy, Le grand fromage, Nortius Maximus, Biggus Dickus or in Bogan’s native tongue “a right boomer”.
The Blotto Max is Dovpo/Bogans latest flagship for the Blotto Range along with a re-work of the original Blotto, the v1.5, but that’s for another thread, so enough about that one for now.
As this is relatively new to market, we’ll firstly provide some informative preamble before we get to the nitty gritty.
The Max is currently available in three different colours in-line with the other recent versions of the Blotto range.
The Blotto Max RTA sports the original honeycomb style airflow control ring, It also features the honeycomb holes within the build deck on the insides of the airflow posts to provide an “advanced air diffusion solution”, and is claimed to offer superior flavour to match your taste. Also claiming that you can tell the E-liquid profile layer by layer from one deep puff.
It has 272° Airflow around the coil(s) (The Original was allegedly 242°), It has improved metal backed airflow posts, improved cotton well design, an airier under coil airflow design, strengthened AFC and base, dual diffusion airflow and is easy filling. But the biggy and probably the most important thing… wait for iiiiiiiiiiiiit…
It’s now 28mm, bigger tank, bigger airflow, bigger deck, if you’re not getting my point ITS BIGGER! But! is bigger better?
Huge Juice, sorry no! I’ll repeat that in my best Loyd Grossman accent. A rather large e-liquid storage capacity. (Just for Zou that, now normal service shall resume)
That’s enough for the blah, blah, blah bit with all the specs and whatnot, onwards and upwards as they say. As the title suggests, this was run as a tester event, but before we move onto the results…I’ll give you a little insight into how it’s run and how we got here.
As you’re probably aware Dovpo posted the event on POTV and asked all interested parties to put their names on a list, three lucky apes were selected to test the “Max” and arrangements were made to get their desired colours sent to them along with some trendy merch.
A private group chat commenced along with the selected v1.5 testers so we could all get to grips with the plan and bat around any ideas while we waited for the tanks to arrive. As expected from the start the usual banter ensued and we all got along effortlessly. It wasn’t long after the party started we had a gate crasher knocking at our door. hack400 obviously enjoyed the Blotto Single event that much, he had ordered both the “Max” & “v1.5” in advance which landed on the same day the testers were announced, hack400 therefore secured his place in the testers circle and was welcomed with open arms, so the number of testers increased to become the Maxnificent 5.
The main aims of the event (in order of priority) was for the testers to have some shits and giggles doing it, to provide you with a totally unbiased opinion of the Blotto Max, and to provide Dovpo with some invaluable feedback.
Andy (@dovpo_uk) was quick of the mark and in next to no time all the testers had their goodies.
I will point out that a couple of little gremlins needed to be ironed out at the start, bear in mind Dovpo pulled out the stops to get this event kicked off and we received tanks from the first production run, so the odd QA issue wasn’t unexpected, but Andy in true form got it sorted quick smart and reported the issues straight back to HQ.
All the testers jumped in feet first, I have numerous pictures of builds with different exotic coils, sizes, materials, positions, singles, duals etc. etc. I think it’s fair to say the Blotto Max has been well and truly put through its paces. (A selection of build pictures can be found here)
Learnt some interesting things along the way.
Found out that one ape has some rather peculiar tastes when it comes to his DIY juice flavours. Two that come to mind are called “Gary’s Cream 69” and “Graham’s Crack”. The mind boggles as to how, what & why but more importantly though I hope to god that Graham isn’t some large, sweaty, hairy arsed builder. Heads up it wasn’t any of the testers… you work it out.
Also discovered that none of us were very enamoured with slotted screws and seems would be happy to pay a little extra for alternative hex screws.
Anyway, I’m not going to give too much away and will leave the findings of the testing to the official “Test Results” attached to this post. What I will do though is quote some comments from the Group Chat about the Max. You can make your own minds up if you think we thought it was a right ripper or not!
[Hack400] - To be honest, I didn't find anything particularly special about having to do this build. It is a lovely deck to build into. And the vape is excellent. Airflow is exactly how I like it, I am running about 1/3 closed. Fantastic tank, thoroughly impressed so far.
[Reggiec] - Stuck one of my favourite coil builds in the Blotto Max, a Tri-core Staggered Fused Clapton. Made by Reggie’s Coil’s Lol. 6 wraps, 4mm ID, coming in at 0.51ohm.Vaping at 50w and Well f***in Well f***in Well, Well, Well. This tank is awesome!! No problem to coil, 5mm leg BTW I find is a good length and no problem to wick. No leaking just perfect. I’m vaping a mixed berry custard and its magic. Can’t wait to try a dual set up
[Ripple] - I wouldn't say I don't like it in fact as a single 3.5mm it is better than almost every other single coil dtl rta I've tried and I’ve gone through a lot of them. Comes a pretty close second to the Kylin Mini for me and that's very complimentary given I used two exclusively for around two years and still have them sat waiting their turn again.
[Hack400] - I was running it as a single coil for the last day, and was very happy with it. Bit unfair having a Max going at the same time, as that just does everything better (IMO).
[Squidgy] - In all my years vaping, This is honestly the first time I’ve had to dilute a shortfill because the flavour was coming through too strong.
[Reggiec] - Put a dual set up in the Max. With REGGIE’S COIL’S, 3mm ID, coming in at 0.19ohm and its chuffing away like Thomas The Tank Engine, minted at 85w. Took it up to 150watts but got to hot and the flavour was to intense. 70-85 watts is just perfect for me...
[Reggiec] - Forgot to mention that I tried just plain old sterile cotton wool from Asda in this build. 2 quid a bag Lol and still a magnificent vape, no leaking, no dry hits nothing. It’s like the Terminator everything you throw at it, The Max just takes it in it’s stride.
[Dovpo_uk] - It’s just too bloody airy for me as a single tbh and I need to close the afc to half which kinda defeats the object of the tank.
[Dovpo_uk] - Well if I’m right we can start a cult. “Too The Side Gang” and we can call the method
“Andy’s Bit On The Side” I can see me and Bogan slugging it out in his tattoo parlour lol.
[Jerri] - Put 3mm cotton lace in, didn’t trim or rake it at all. Happily chugging away at 48w.
Stellar coils!!This tank is REALLY forgiving when it comes to wicking.
[Jerri] - I think 3.5-4m is the sweet spot. I’m amazed at how forgiving the wicking is. I’m crap at wicking. I could probably make a top air flow tank leak but so far so good with this. It’s normally taken me a few tries to get wicking right on any rta.
[Reggiec] - It’s a dual Quad- core Staggered Fused Clapton, 5 wraps, 3 ID coming in at 0.13ohm and vaping at a tremendous 70w. Just magical.
[Reggiec] - Just can’t find a wrong thing about it, it’s excellent mate.
[Hack400] - End of day report. I went to the pub this evening, and I left the house with 1 mod and 1 tank. That tank was the Max. Haven't left the house without a mesh rta in nearly 6 months. I survived. I didn't panic. All was good. Well done Dovpo.
Blotto Max Build & Coiling Guide by Reggiec (Reggie’s Coils)

Build - Single Coil
5/6 wrap 4mm ID Coil, recommended leg length 6mm

Try and keep the top of the coil inline or just below the top of the side air posts. The coil can be positioned centrally which should provide a more restricted vape or the coil can be positioned to one side next to the air post to provide a less restricted vape.

Dry Burn
Set at a low power pulse fire the coil to check for any hot spots, if present, gently strum the coil with ceramic tweezers this should remove the hotspots and the coil should slowly glow from the middle wrap outwards. If strumming with metal tweezers or a coiling rod ensure the coil is not being pulse fired at the same time.
Thread the wick through the coil, it doesn’t need to be tight but should fill out the inside of the coil, cut the wick tails a little bit past the deck sides. Fluff the wick ends at either side and guide them into the wicking channels. The ends of the wick should pass through the wicking channels and just reach the base underneath. It doesn’t have to be perfect as the Blotto Max is a very forgiving RTA.

Apply a small amount of juice to the wick ends above and below the wicking channels, repeat a few times until the tails are suitably soaked. Apply juice to the top of the coil and slowly pulse the coil to suck it in, again repeat a few time until suitably soaked.

Assemble the tank, fill it up and enjoy.
Build - Dual Coil
5 wrap 3mm ID Coils, recommended leg length 4~5mm
Similar to the Single coil build, try and keep the top of the coil inline or just below the top of the side air posts. The coil can be positioned close to each other which should provide a more restricted vape or the coil can be positioned to the sides next to the air posts to give a larger gap in the centre which will provide a slightly less restricted vape.
As previously stated, the Blotto Max is such a forgiving RTA and when using quality coils it is a breeze to build on.

Dry burn
Make sure the coils are not touching each other or touching any part of the deck and 272° airflow posts.
As with the single build set at a low power pulse fire the coils to check for any hot spots, if present, gently strum and pinch the coils with ceramic tweezers this should remove the hotspots and the coils should both slowly glow from the middle wraps outward equally. If strumming and pinching with metal tweezers ensure the coils are not being pulse fired at the same time.
Both coils should be glowing evenly and together.
Wick the same way as the single coil build, however this time some gentle raking is probably going to be needed to thin out the wick ends a bit. The wicking into the channels can be quite loose but it needs to be fluffy enough to fill all of the channels, too loose and leaking could be a result.

Follow the same process as with the single coil build.

Assemble the tank, fill it up and enjoy.
If your new to RTA’s it’s probably a good idea to just ¼ fill to start off with, start off at a low power and slowly work it up to the desired vape. If you do find issues it’s then easier to dismantle and adjust, or if it’s leaking you’ll lose less juice.
If you like the look of the coils shown in this guide and wondering how to get hold of coils like this, you can find out further details here… www.reggie-s-coils.com
Finally! The Results
Individual scores…
Reggiec – 9.1/10
StrawberryRipple – 9.2/10
Jerri – 9.5/10
hack400 – 9.2/10
Squidgy – 9.6/10
Overall – 9.3/10
(If you’re interested a more detailed breakdown of the scoring including comments is attached)
I think it’s fair dinkum to state, that all the testers were rather impressed with the flexibility and performance of the Blotto Max and would agree it’s the dingo’s dangly’s. Yes, there are a couple of little niggles with some QA issues from the first batch and those dam slotted screws but hey, these are relatively simple issues that Dovpo are fully capable of ironing out, they proved they listened with the issue reported on the Blotto Single and in my opinion Dovpo certainly seem to be customer focus driven.
I appreciate it probably comes across a bit cliché, but in all honesty the Blotto Max is a great RTA, to the point where I’m convinced it’s the best dual coiler I have tried, or that is available on the market today. Some of the testers have or are looking to purchase further Max’s.
Should you also feel the need to jump in, you’ll find the Blotto Max and the v1.5 are currently available from the very reputable Vaping101
Vaping101 Blotto Max from £30.99
Vaping101 Blotto V1.5 at £29.99
Last of all, I would like to thank Andy and Dovpo for arranging this event and to my fellow testers, it’s been an absolute pleasure and a hoot to boot, I’m privileged to have been part of another great Dovpo Testing Event.