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Blue Raspberry


Nov 17, 2016
Hi All,

I have been in search of an awesome Blue Raspberry and I think I have found one. This is from another forum and was posted back in 2013. I hope I am not breaking any forum rules but thought its worth sharing. All TFA concentrates. Mix this last night and already smells lovely. I did 2 batches, one with the BC and one without the BC.

7% Sweet Raspberry
6% Natural Blueberry
6% Vanilla Bourbon
1% Bavarian Cream
1 drp. per 5mls. Lemon Juice

If other have tried this before, would be good to hear your thoughts as well.

A bit bemused with the cream myself?
Also from the research I did on Blue Raspberry, specifically the slush puppy drink flavour, I found that the flavouring is straight up Black Raspberry?
Black Raspberry has its own unique taste and I guess the flavour we all chase is basically a colouring? Hence why we have all thought that it was a mixture of blueberry and raspberry to give us the blue raspberry taste?
Just thought I would mention?
If you are looking for blue raspberry flavor, try sweet raspberry, boysenberry, and raspberry, with something like tfa cotton candy to sweeten it up. I have also seen raspberries and pineapples used to get a blue raspberry flavor. From here you should be able to add your base to shape it any direction you choose.

The recipe you have looks to be a dense creamy berry mix, not necessarily blue raspberry though. It commonly mistaken that blueberry is in blue raspberry, but it is not.
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