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Board prices in the UK.....


Aug 4, 2013
I love building mods.... my mec costs were low. You bought a Hammond box, a sledge and a few componants and some wire And you were done. Lets just say you could build a mec box for about £40.00 or much less in the day. If you are like me, I really like the idea of trying to tailor an individual mod for my requirements... how do we do to justify our input time and cost against a purchased mod? As it stands, here we have two great UK based suppliers... both offering DNA200 boards, delivered, one is £66.39 and another is £63.98 and great service but for a "Beta" unit.. I can buy the same board from an official DNA supplier for £56.11, delivered.

The Yihi J chip is a bit more difficult, I can find at least two UK based suppliers that are offering the same board between £62.00 and £73.98 delivered.

I can buy a board that operates similar to a DNA30 for less than £22.00, a 50Watt board that operates similar to a DNA40 for £24.00 delivered and a 150Watt board, delivered, for £41.21....all T/C boards, all that work within similar parameters... yes there are differences within these boards from the mainstream, but it is not a mile apart.

So you look at the mass produced mods.... Mods that lets say, have a DNA30 for less than £25.00, mods that are DNA40 based at less than £30.00...the Sigelies and Evics.......you can buy a good working unit, try it and then rob it for its board and still be many pounds in front of the base board prices.

I was going to build a high powered TC mod...but at the board prices as they stand I would be mad. The Yihi J board is at a bonkers price, especially considering it needs 2 batteries to gain all its benefits and the DNA200 is an unproven Beta board that requires a LiPo pack with more mAh than two good battery cells leaving you to hunt for a charger within a few hours vaping???

I tell you what I have done, I have bought a crap 120W mod with TC...with a Yihi chip....the paint will fall off after a bit and the case will look rougher than a Pit Bulls ass.....then I will mod it!!!!.....the cost of the unit???? £40.00 delivered!!!!
You can build an unregulated mod (It's not called a mech) for about a £13! I built a regulated Murata T/20 for approx £35. It's an ample 110w and I am sure that it will last much longer than any mass produced Chinese piece of crap.
It is called a mec if there is a mechanical button rather than a wired switch....and I wasn't on about building a mec for£15.00 was I????? :eyeroll:
It is called a mec if there is a mechanical button rather than a wired switch....and I wasn't on about building a mec for£15.00 was I????? :eyeroll:

I think you need to re-read what you write and maybe get out a bit! :18:
All switches are mechanical.
Find a way to generate heat mechanically to vaporize juice and you’ll have yourself a mechanical mod.
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I think you need to re-read what you write and maybe get out a bit! :18:
All switches are mechanical.
Find a way to generate heat mechanically to vaporize juice and you’ll have yourself a mechanical mod.

Yeah yeah yeah, I just ain't going to banter minor nuances with you, You are THEEEEE expert...I am not going to allow myself to be trolled! ..... you have a nice day and enjoy ya vaping! ;)
I'm not trolling (much!) I'm just saying that rather than buying inflated vape-targeted boards. Why not consider using something already well established that is bombproof, will last years of use and is half the cost?!
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DNA200's are beta boards?! Official non-UK? Evolv supplier for £56 is that a € conversion to Sterling?

I tried a load of those clone DNA boards nearly all were crap, they should have a on screen display with there countdown to dying;)

I must of been through a dozen clone TC DNAs this year most were crap;)

As much as I would like to bomb evolv ;) when there boards work they work compared to any clone cheap board from experience. Yes they cost more but at least they work.;) (mostly)

YiHi modders boards have always been pricey even the 18 month old SX350 still sells for £42-45 but I never seen any SX350s fail myself (350/350M/350J)

I could never understand why bespoke genuine mechanicals are so pricey I mean there just a bit of metal turned on lathe/CNC cheap cheap.
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DNA200's are beta boards?! Official non-UK? Evolv supplier for £56 is that a € conversion to Sterling?

I tried a load of those clone DNA boards nearly all were crap, they should have a on screen display with there countdown to dying;)

I must of been through a dozen clone TC DNAs this year most were crap;)

As much as I would like to bomb evolv ;) when there boards work they work compared to any clone cheap board from experience. Yes they cost more but at least they work.;) (mostly)

YiHi modders boards have always been pricey even the 18 month old SX350 still sells for £42-45 but I never seen any SX350s fail myself (350/350M/350J)

I could never understand why bespoke genuine mechanicals are so pricey I mean there just a bit of metal turned on lathe/CNC cheap cheap.

Hiya, the DNA200 board was released prior to main distribution, check out the Evolv site...they also run a developers forum just for the board to help iron out any wrinkles...if that isn't a Beta release I dont know what is!

I have not had as much board experience as yourself but I have a DNA30 clone that I built, that is doing fine. The alien 50watt isn't a clone as I am aware as Evolv dont make a DNA50TC do they?

The DNA prices I mention are from a company in Dublin, the site they list on comes up as that GBP price!
I smoked £40 a week, My yihi SX350 chipset cost me £50, less than 10 days worth of ciggies, its a year old, been used all day everyday and its showing no signs of fatgiue. Cheaper isn't always best.
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