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British American Tobacco light upon electronic cigarettes



PUBLISHED: 22:31, 28 February 2013 | UPDATED: 22:31, 28 February 2013

British American Tobacco, the maker of Lucky Strike cigarettes, is pouring funds into new electronic cigarettes, known as ‘e-lights’, as it seeks to diversify.

The company recently acquired UK-based CN Creative, the firm which has developed the new e-light cigarette, claiming that the new products are healthier than regular cigarettes.

BAT (up 18.5p at 3434.5p) is the first major tobacco manufacturer to enter the electronic cigarette market. The product could be ready as early as 2014.

Less puff for your pound: The tobacco manufacturer reported a fall in sales, with 11 billion fewer cigarettes being sold last year than in 2011

Chief executive Nicandro Durante said: ‘We don’t just want to enter the market, we want to lead it.’


BAT yesterday announced strong profits for 2012, with an increase of 14.5 per cent to £5.6billion thanks to higher prices. But the tobacco manufacturer reported a fall in sales, with 11 billion fewer cigarettes being sold last year than in 2011.

BAT raised prices to combat falling consumption. However, sales of the company’s Fine Cut tobacco are up by 8 per cent to 14,494 tonnes in Western Europe, which signals that consumers are turning to cheaper products including rolling their own cigarettes.

The annual dividend was raised 7pc to 134.9p.

Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/...healthier-regular-products.html#ixzz2MHWGHQIt
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