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Hi Lisa,

Yes it still works as a aio or SBS kit. You would need to buy the SBS battery adapter as it doesn’t come with one.
Could I use the mesh deck/boro from my pulse in it? Sorry, I've only ever used the things that came with my kits and never tried in anything else.

Edit, ignore me. I realise it wouldn't fit as it's not a bridge I don't think. Can't get a rectangle in a circle lol. I still want it though, I like the look of it. Please message me your details so I can send pennies.
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Could I use the mesh deck/boro from my pulse in it? Sorry, I've only ever used the things that came with my kits and never tried in anything else

No. If it has its own boro that is part of the bridge it won’t work. It has to be a bridge that is removable from its boro.
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